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Does anyone here work at a company where the employees do that warm up exercise in a morning.


My friend has just joined one and every morning at 8:30 they all stand up and do it. I don't know if I could!


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We do it and I hate it more than anything. We also have to do company chant after the taisou, and then someone has to give a 'one point speech' about their work.


We had a visitor from North Korea come over once and he told us we all need to take a chill pill.


(I made that last bit up).

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Now, rajio taisou dai ich is so Japanese...

Every kid had to do it from primary school. You hear the tune more than anything, might as well make it the Japanese national anthem.

It also is a Japanese custom to do warm up exercise in a group, where for westerners it is an individual thing and so it should be. It's more of a team building exercise I think...

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I despise it and it makes me want to quit everytime. It doesn't get any better with time. The annoying thing is everyone else feels the same way! Ask them at an enkai and everyone starts laying into how annoying it is!


It shows you how change-resistant this company or perhaps country is.

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Too glad I don't have to do that.


It's like some of the enkais at work - hardly anyone seems to want to be there, but they have to and spending their own money too. Madness.

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People are conditioned from very early on in this country not to question authority MB. If the boss thinks it's a good idea then everyone will do it no questions asked. Doesn't mean they are happy to go along with it but they will not openly question it. It's one worst things about this society in my opinion.

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Originally Posted By: 69
I thought it was just like schools. Actually salarymen./companies do this every day? veryshocked

they don't do that at the schools I work at.
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I dont think teachers do it in schools, but in JP companies it is very common. I heard only more modern companies in Tokyo have matured past doing it. If you read the 'blue eyed salaryman' you will see Mitsubishi and the other big zaibatsu all do it for example.


We also have to do a fair amount of 'rodou' (commoners work) from time to time such as wiping dust from surfaces and vacuuming the office. This is no joke. I am a white collar with a MSc but they are making me a colleagues do this. And sometimes we have to do random lifting and moving of boxes when for example we want to rearrange the shelving. I have spent 3 or 4 afternoons in my suit carrying dusty boxes around, it is absolutely maniacal. Obviously it is all a carry over from the days of military rule. If something is 'mou kimeta' (already decided) then it is cast in stone forever until someone with incredible power and determination overturns the rule.

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I basically do not do it. I stand behind a screen thing so people can only see my shoulders/head and I half heartedly lift my arms pathetically.


There is something about it that is demasculating. It is like being made to lick the bosses boots every morning or something. I feel like a puppet on a string doing that taisou.


And the chanting thing afterwards is really like a religious prayer.


It's properly messed up I tells ya!

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Work with enjoyment!

Believe in each other!

Never give up!

etc etc...


I found out recently its just a stock chant used by thousands of companies around the country, so it's not even something created by us. How lazy/pointless is that?

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To be honest nobody is following those slogans at all. Take the three above, I would say the opposite is true (everyone is bored stupid, noone trusts each other and people give up without even starting).

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