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What were you doing when 9/11 happened?

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I first posted this in the 9/11 inside job thread and someone suggested that it had its own thread. So here it is!




What were you doing at the time of the attack?


I was a sleep until I got called at about 3am by a friend who was on night shift at a TV station. I watched the live feed for the next 4 hours. I saw the towers fall. Shocking.


Did you know anyone in the towers?


I have a friend who had a late start that day - her office was in one of the towers. She lived because of that late start.

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Oh yeah...I remember that day/night.


The Papabear was asleep in bed, but I was putting the toddler to bed. I had just got him to sleep and jumped into bed when the phone rang, and a message was left downstairs - it sounded from a distance like my Dad's voice, so I race down stairs concerned. I listened to the message and it one of Papabears mates calling to say turn on the TV there has been a terrible accident in the US.


I turned the TV in the bedroom on and woke Papabear up. We were just getting our head around what was happening when the 2nd tower collapse 'live'...we didn't get much sleep that night.


It was bizarre the next day - dropping the kids at school and doing the shopping, everyone was going about thier business in silence. It was eerie! People were dumfounded and upset, and they didn't even know anyone in the buildings.


Awful stuff.

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I don't usually watch CNN in the evening but that night I was watching it. First of all there was the first crash and they did the breaking news thing saying it was a small plane maybe an accident, and we know what happened from there. I think it was just before 9pm Japan time, and I remember eventually going to bed around 3am. So I watched the whole thing as per CNN live right from the beginning.

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Originally Posted By: RobBright
I was working in a bank in London and was immediately evacuated out of the tower as they had also received threats.

Was not a fun place to be.

That is interesting Rob.
I had no idea there were threats other than those televised at the time related to the hijakced planes and thier intended targets!!

I do remember reassuring my children during that week by saying that we were as safe as we could be - no one cares a hoot about Aussies, and Perth would not be a target within Australia anyway as no-one knows where it is.(or cares)... Then the following year we have the Bali Bombings. You never can tell, huh?
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I was on an extended vacation in Canada after doing three years on the JET programme. I was paddling down the Frazer River with my friend in the BC Rockies far from civilization when it happened so I didn't hear about it until afterwards. I finally saw the TV footage a couple days later in a bar in Jasper. People were pretty much bored of it by that point, but seeing it for the first time, I yelled "HOLY SHIT!" in spite of myself. A day or two later I flew from Calgary to Toronto. The airport was still really chaotic and I got pretty weirded out.

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I came home from work and my roommate was channel surfing and stopped on CNN, by chance it was the breaking news of one plane hitting the tower at the point when they (CNN) thought (assumed) it was a Cessna or something, we then watched and saw the second plane hit and were "holy s**t that was a second plane and a damn big one, the CNN reporter wasn't paying attention and took a while register that is was the second plane.

We called over another friend and my second room mate came home and we all sat there gob-smacked until 4-5 am glued to the tube, when the first tower went I was in the kitchen and one room-mate was like "the whole f**king thing just collapsed!" I accused him of smoking illicit substances, there was no way, but sure enough seconds later the replay came on. Soon after I saw the 2nd tower implode.

Having stood on top of the South tower and remembering the immense size of those towers is I still can not fathom them collapsing, it must have been absolutely insane be be near that, you could never truly grasp it just seeing it on TV.

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I was in Methvern N.Z (a ski town on the south island.) We flew back to Oz the next day.

I remember sitting in the departure lounge in Cristchurch airport waiting for our flight. We watched a plane smack into a building over and over again on the TV until we boarded our flight.

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I was having a shower - just got out and my friend called me about the accident. I have some friends who work there. So I caught most of it. Seeing that 2nd plane go in was spooky, almost slow motion. "Well, I think we can safely say it was no accident" or whatever they said.


My friends were all ok.

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Originally Posted By: Mamabear
Originally Posted By: RobBright
I was working in a bank in London and was immediately evacuated out of the tower as they had also received threats.

Was not a fun place to be.

That is interesting Rob.
I had no idea there were threats other than those televised at the time related to the hijakced planes and thier intended targets!!

I do remember reassuring my children during that week by saying that we were as safe as we could be - no one cares a hoot about Aussies, and Perth would not be a target within Australia anyway as no-one knows where it is.(or cares)... Then the following year we have the Bali Bombings. You never can tell, huh?

I was working in London at the time too. We had a lot of Americans working with us and hundreds of people went down to the firm's restruant to watch the CNN coverage. We used to do a lot of work with people in NY and our firm had an office not far from the Towers. People were crying and trying to call their friends in NY etc. Then, as Rob says, people started thinking that maybe London would be next. Businesses closed and everyone tried to get home. The Tube of course became hopelessly overcrowded so there were thousands upon thousands of people walking the streets, trying to catch buses and taxis etc. Really, end of the world kind of stuff.
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I woke up, watched the news, called the office to say I'm not coming in cos I'm watching it live. Eventually went into the office a few hours after both towers had collapsed.

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