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Going snowboarding in Japan? Prepare to be fingerprinted...

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apparently heading through Kansai airport yesterday was pretty quick with minimal fuss. Now I just have to try and get info on what the bottle neck is like at Narita. When we come through Narita, we only have 1hr55m to get to our connecting plane to Sapporo. if the initial reports of a 1hr30m delay are still holding true, then we may be cutting it a bit too close.




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 Originally Posted By: projectsplat
When we come through Narita, we only have 1hr55m to get to our connecting plane to Sapporo. if the initial reports of a 1hr30m delay are still holding true, then we may be cutting it a bit too close.

Hee hee hee
SOOOooooooo GLAD we have buffers in Tokyo either side! Four days in Tokyo before flying to Sapporo, and then one night on the way back! No such delay drama's for us!! Good job too - can't imagine the stress it would be with His Injuredness, the 4 bear cubs and suitcases and snowboard bags for 6! GROAN!
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 Originally Posted By: Bushpig
4 bear cubs?!!?!! Holy schmidt! On a mission to the snow? Good luck!

I am a seasoned professional (at motherhood and travel - NOT snowboarding!!). Usually His Injuredness takes the lead with the heaviest of snowboard bags though...this time that role falls to me and the older cubs who are bigger than me now!! (14 and 16). He can't risk damage to the knee again just yet - still pretty fragile.

We have done the fly with boards a few times now - and it always adds that extra element of forethought required - especially with 6 people. But we are patient people. And we can wait for the bus, or the maxi cab, or split up in two cabs ... you know - the things ya do!

I am just glad the days of packing diapers and spare clothes are gone - the baby bear is 8 now, and while his arms are waving all over the place on the way down the slopes - he is as confident as all get out!! My job is to chase them down, make sure they stay 'head above snow' at all times, and feed them regularly - LOL! Glamourous or what?
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I was at Narita today as I thought you could register your details beforehand as mentioned above. However you can only do it on the day of your travel (as the place you do it is after customs checks), and the office is open 9-5. However coming into Narita, there is a separate queue for visa permit holders and re-entry stamp holders to go through even if you haven't registered, so should be quicker than the tourists queue.

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 Originally Posted By: Bushpig
Excellent! Where else have you been with them all?

The injured man and I have been doing some adult trips recently - you know - dump the kids on Nanna and Grandpa and nick off for a week or so clap.gif Well deserved I say - after 16 years of parental indentured service. Recently those trips were to Ireland, Scotland, England, France and China - places the kids are yet to see!

But WITH the kids we have been to Thredbo, Perisher and Smiggins, and Niseko for snow (from Perth, of course). The older kids have also skied (school trip - no snowboards allowed!) at Hotham, and eldest cub went to Cadrona NZ in July 07 (Yr11 School trip - snowboards permitted).

Apart from snow trips (a new experience and addiction for our family) we have taken the kids to Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Hawaii, Mainland USA, and a number of stops around Australia itself. Eldest Cub has stayed and attended school in Japan on a student exchange a couple of years back.

As far as immigration goes the two worst expereinces we had was a strip search for hubby at Sydney International, and an interrogation like process for the whole family leaving Hawaii for LA. That was the WORST. They were rude, aggressive and physical - even with the kids (youngest was just about to turn 5 at the time). Shoes off, frisked, bags fully emptied out and segregated from other passengers...this was the next immigration after the Sydney strip search, so I have always wondered if we were flagged at people to watch...
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 Originally Posted By: SKI
I'm confused. Just re-read the title of the thread.

So this only affects snowboarders.
Skiers can sigh a breath of relief!


No, it effects 2 stick touro's as well!
I have to laugh - it was assumed "snowboarding" in this thread...I LOVE that! Usually it is the other way - assumed SKI. Well in Aus anyway.

I had one sales guy in a store at Jindabyne telling me that while I might not find this particular t-shirt funny ("Your Mum's a Ski Instructor") that my snowboarding son's would love it... when I looked at him quizzically he said "you do ski, don't you?" ummm...NO!......
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 Originally Posted By: Mamabear
 Originally Posted By: SKI
I'm confused. Just re-read the title of the thread.

So this only affects snowboarders.
Skiers can sigh a breath of relief!


No, it effects 2 stick touro's as well!
I have to laugh - it was assumed "snowboarding" in this thread...I LOVE that! Usually it is the other way - assumed SKI. Well in Aus anyway.

I think I was being too lazy to be bothered doing the politically correct "ski/snowboard/toboggan/other snow/non-snow related activities".... It is also good to stir the skiers every now and then!

Chatting with our people in Japan last night, they were saying that the actual process took another 30 seconds or so on top of the normal procedure. They did say that there was an unusually large number of staff at the gaijin immigration counter to ensure smooth passage.

Their take on it was that whilst there was a small delay for the actual process, it is not likely to have that much of an impact, and the fact that they are throwing more staff at it should mean that things run a little bit quicker. Here is hoping anyway....
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Regarding the assertion that the Japanese institution of the fingerprinting requirement for foreigners was in retaliation to the US fingerprinting requirement (or to match US regulations), get yourselves ready for the next stage - The US Dept. of Homeland Security just promulgated an "all fingers" fingerprinting requirement for foreigners visiting the US! This is starting at select ariports soon/now, and will be a nationwide requirement at all airports, border crossings, and oceanic ports by the beginning of 2008.


Expect the Japanese to follow suit...

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i came through narita on sunday, and i really didn't think this whole fingerprinting, photo thing was a big deal at all. it took 20 seconds longer than usual. seriously, it took 20 seconds to put my index fingers on the thing, and look at a camera screen simultaneously. it's just a tiny screen thing sitting on the usual immigration desks. i came in on a new working visa too, and i was through in less than 2 minutes. i think it's a pretty good way to monitor who is coming in and out any country, for any reason at all, not just terrorism precautions.

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