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Morning Musume. Such a strange creating. I wonder how much those girls get paid and what % of the MM turnover that represents?


My kids enjoyed the bukatsu at school. I am very wary of letting them stay there too late. Some of the clubs do way too much in my opinion. Luckily it seems to have worked out ok. It's a good time for the kids to all have fun together out of class.

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his arse should be fired for that...thats just beyond sexual harrassment IMHO. How can a teacher cross that line and still have a job is beyond me. If I was a parent and he made my son run around naked Id beat his ass back to the stone age mad.gif

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i just discovered the other day that many of my kids are doing 3-4 hours of practice in the sweltering heat with out any breaks for water. in fact, kids aren't allowed to have water, they get in trouble for asking. my friend told me that when she was in junior high(15 years ago) it was common for kids to get beaten for sneaking off to get water. i wonder if that still happens?

what's more, this is happening despite instructions from the principals and BOE to stop such behavior after several incidents of heat stroke and dehydration. which leads me to believe that clubs has very little to with with sports and athletics. and seems a lot more like military training.

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interesting about the naked fiasco. Hear of a famous baseball coach getting caught beating his players? The school lost the right to play in any games for a year. He's still head coach. (at my school) He's young too. He's not long-term veteran. I'm just wondering where the punishment is. (btw- this is one of Japan's most famous baseball schools.)


I like when I see them being forced to down a quadruple-size onigiri during the 10 minute break between classes. The same coach smiled at me and pointed at the circle of like 10 kids all trying thier asses off to actually finish it. I couldn't have finished it... with water.


"I'm building thier muscle." (smile)


"That's funny... why don't you just use protein, aminos, and water? But I agree that a giant ball of rice would be beneficial for thier endurance training. Are they going to run for 20 kilometers after school?"




because you know... world-class baseball players run marathons on thier days off.

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At my school, at least for T&F, and I know baseball, rugby, soccer, and Am Ftball, the kids have tons of water breaks and get in the shade some as well. Heat has been picking up and we already had one kid pass out from the heat...and its only early June crazy.gif

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  • 2 months later...

did any of you read/see this article from japantimes online?




"There's just nothing in the life of a Japanese adult that comes close to the strenuousness, the physical stress and severe jyoge kankei (top-down relationships) that define the bukatsu. It was as if adrenaline gushed to peak levels and stayed there every single day. Imagine being a permanent member of Billy's Boot Camp, without the fun, without Billy and clad in school-mandated jyaji (nylon sweats) and you'll get the picture"


is it me or is bukatsu similar to being in a cult? Many of the coaches are fanatics, if you don’t give 100% and only practice to be #1 in Japan, then get the ‘F*** of my team is the attitude that many coaches take. I use the word “coach” lightly as many have no F’ing clue about the sport/club theyre in charge of in the first place. Gives me the shits. Coaches put club/practice over school, and run these kids into the ground. If, like at my school, the kids have to practice 3x/day to get better, then something is fundamentally wrong. Not only does it take away energy from students being able to focus in class, its quite dangerous for them, especially jhs kids, to be doing that much exercise without giving their bodies chances to recover…bukatsu in japan = cult.

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Militaristic overcoaching in high ranking schools is so common that you can consider it systematic. Its not just the odd bad apple of a teacher. In the case of running laps when its 35C plus or crazy rules like "no drinks for first years", its simply cruel. The most famous baseball school, PL Gakuen in Osaka, have been banned from Koshien for several years due to the teachers hitting the kids. The frightening one is when you see things like that whole-class-three legged race they have for elementary school kids. You see teachers giving it the sargeant major over them at that age too, no doubt lapping it up whenever some clown calls them a "good coach". Common sense says that a good coach must be someone who actually reads about conditioning methods, kids psychology, nutrition, injury management, .... Any ferking idiot could stand there shouting "Work harder!" You might as well get a robot with the cattle prod.


One thing you can say about all this though is that it proves that not all kids are under massive academic pressure, another common criticism of the Japanese system. A lot of them just play baseball and sleep the rest of the time.


I'd like my daughter to go overseas to see family during the hols, so I don't suppose she'll be able to commit to a strict club. It'll be a shame if there's something she's really into.

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Soubriquette was a regional champion sprinter and cross country skier at school until she did her achiles tendon. The training put her off anything after that. She's still much faster than me and she'd be a better skier, but stuffed if I can get her on to the snow. It's a real shame.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a speech I made late in September to my students on having practice 3x/day. Sorry its in Japanese. I've taken out some paragraphs and sentences due to personal reasons.







皆さんはIronman Traiathlonを知っていますか?僕の父はIronman Triathlonに3回出場しました。3.86キロを泳ぎ、180.2 キロを自転車で走り、42.2 キロを走ります。1日という短い時間の間で。そのレースは、世界中で一番難しいに違いないはずですが、僕のお父さんは何度もそのレースに勝ちました。それに感動し、僕もレースを始めました。僕は若い頃、自分と同年齢のグループ内で何度もレース勝ち、そのおかげで、僕はハワイ島に住んでいたプロ選手にも知られていました。そしてある時、友達になったプロ選手にトレーニングへ同行しないかとの誘いを受けました。僕にとってそのお誘いは本当に光栄な事でした。プロの友達は、1.5キロを20分以内泳ぎ、40キロを50分ほどで自転車で走り、42キロを2:15で走る...信じがたいかもしれませんが、僕の友達は世界中のみんなに知られていました。プロの友達とトレーニングをしたおかげで、僕はさらにもっと速くなっていきました。そして、あるトライアスロンに出場した時に3000人中18位になり、同年齢グループ内で勝ち新記録も更新できました。その結果、初めて僕にスポンサーが付きました。そのスポンサーはOakley sunglasses, Beaver Sunblock (日焼け止めの会社)と地元のバイクストアでした。プロの友達のおかげで、僕は世界中で一番速い選手のトレーニング方法を学んだだけではなく、ストレーチング、DIETも学びました。
















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clap.gif Nice one CB. Get much of a response? I didn't know some of that stuff about you and your old man! Wow! I wonder how many people here will read this though? A rough summary in English might help ;\)
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