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not only is it very real, it is very good. definitely one of my favourite foods. some people seem to find it disgusting, but i have no idea why.

it is also THE BEST food for curing hangovers. i am hungover alot, so i feel qualified to make that comment.

i haven't been to montreal, but some french canadian friends of mine reckon there is a very famous 24 hour poutine shop there.

sounds like heaven to me

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you can get poutine at the canadian bar in shibuya. not quite up to montreal standards, but it is well worth it if not for simply nostalgic purposes. (they also have authentic caesars)

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 Originally Posted By: Oyuki kigan
poutine is real and delicious. It is also the perfect ski-lodge food. Except for the dead animal in it. I just need a recipe for vegetarian poutine now...

you can make vego gravy though - i just googled it and there's lots of recipes...
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it was in the "what do you eat when you're drunk" thread. but it desrves it's own thread i think.


scarborough was cooking this morning bushy. some tasty little pits coming through

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just straight out at manning st.

but i start work at 8.30, so i can only manage a 45-60 minute session, then do the bolt home, throw on a suit and hobble into work with my hair still wet. a good way to start the day, but sunrise times are getting later and later, so now sure if i can keep it up for much longer...

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