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Hey guys, here's a question for you.


Do you like a girl wearing make up? I notice when I'm back in England just how much many women over there wear and it looks almost silly to me now. They look like clowns. There's a friend of my mother who wears so much it almost makes me laugh now. Hey eyelids are often a bright sparkling silver color, actually thinking about it I don't think I've actually ever seen here without it.


I know when I was younger I used to wear much more than I do now... now it's just a touch. guzzler approves of that.

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Why do you post that Indosnm, any particular reason? Please read the title of the thread "Thoughts on makeup...". You got any?


I wasn't asking particularly about comparing to Japan (although as I said I do notice that back in my home country more than here.)

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I don't like too much makeup, as you said look like clowns. Not bringing this into a Japanese/other country discussion, but the Japanese ladies I see every day don't seem to wear much. It's a good thing.

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Originally posted by guzzlers-baps:
Why do you post that Indosnm, any particular reason? Please read the title of the thread "Thoughts on makeup...". You got any?

I wasn't asking particularly about comparing to Japan (although as I said I do notice that back in my home country more than here.)
because "I notice when I'm back in England just how much many women over there wear and it looks almost silly to me now." sounds like here they don't wear much. Might have mis interpreted what you meant but I thibk here they cake it on.
as for my thoughts, less is best, unless of course, you need it to hide your ugly mug. (you, by the way is not talking about you!)
many of the high school boys I teach wear it and to me thats a NO NO !
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Heavy make up never looks good. Funny looking at some 80s dramas on the tv with the clothes, big hair and make up they had. Hopefully the fashion cycle will be long enough for us not to have to go through that again.

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Almost everyone you see in a magazine, a film, or on TV is wearing loads. Possibly a bit of plastic surgery and Photoshop to boot.


So if you like someone you've seen in a magazine, a film, or on TV, then you must like people wearing make-up.


I'm not fussed about my own missus wearing it, but done properly it's great on a lot of women. Shibuya types aside, Japanese girls don't use a lot of eye makeup, but they spend a fair whack on foundation and whiteners and almost everyone seems to pluck and redraw their eyebrows. Some Japanese girls won't go anywhere near the sun to protect their complexion, which as a man can be a bigger pain than hanging around while someone does their face.

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I met a woman last night who looked OK from across the bar, but when I got up close, she had a full face and neck plaster job. It was like talking to one of those old wattle and daub walls. I don't know why she bothered because she didn't have any of those tell-tale bumps of acne that those sort of plaster jobs are designed to cover up.


I still remember once suggesting to Mrs ~ that she let her eyebrows grow like one of the 80's Japanese vamps. She didn't tell me in so many words to drop dead, but her expression said it and clear.

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I prefer women who hardly wear makeup. Think natural looks best. Ive always dated women who wear just a little. Too much makeup is just gross - especially when some women look like they got in a fight with their makeup kit cuz they dont know how to put it on right in the first place.

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so what's the deal with wearing makeup when you're skiing? i don't get it. you're wearing goggles, a neckwarmer, helmet or hat... it's not like anyone can see you anyways... not to mention you sweat a lot when you ski sometimes... i just think its strange when ladies are in the loos at the ski field touching up their makeup... does not make sense! wakaranai.gif

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Some lipsticks can for sure, and mineral makeup (which is usually in the form of powders, and eye shadows). But I don't think mineral makeup is big in Japan. A strong sunblock is the only way to go on the slopes.

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I think in moderation, make up is good. But its often difficult to tell. Quite often the more natural a girl looks, the more makeup she has used to look "natural". As long as it looks good on the girl I dont worry.

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i read somewhere that women who wear makeup have less sun damage to their skin, which makes sense when you consider that some of it, like foundation, effectively changes the colour of your skin (a friend of mine at university was quite pale when she didn't have any orange coloured makeup on her face and neck1). but i agree with sunrise, sunblock is best - and you don't have to worry about fixing it up! \:D


as for the guys wearing makeup, are they dextrous enough to? i've seen captain stag's handwriting and attempts at artwork. the motor skills just aren't there lol.gif


now look what i've gone and done. the captain is now sulking... "up yours!" was the response :rolleyes:

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