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best skier in hakuba

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Everything posted by best skier in hakuba

  1. Ani is the correct answer! Well done Metabo Oyaji. So, over to you 634-maru.
  2. Had a good nabe last night. How many of the akiaji you have left?
  3. Overnight lows in single figures last night. Highs not really hitting 20 or over as well in the daytimes.
  4. Nothing is no thing, denoting the absence of something. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness, as well as object as a concept in the Frege-Church ontology. In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance. Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing.
  5. Ski resorts are going to have to find another way to survive. Putting lift ticket prices up ain't going to work. It will just mean people going less, which probably won't be good for restaurants, hotels and others too.
  6. Here's a little Happo history on wiki 1929年(昭和4年)に現在の咲花ゲレンデにスキー小屋が開設され、1931年(昭和6年)には黒菱ゲレンデにスキー小屋が開設された。このように初期には各々独立したゲレンデであったが、疎開でこの地を訪れていた福岡孝行によりリーゼンスラロームコースが開拓された。さらに福岡と五島昇が大学の先輩後輩であった縁により東急グループの資本が入るようになり、白馬東急ホテルや現在の八方尾根スキー場が建設された。 白馬観光開発は、経営不振などを理由に2012年11月1日に日本スキー場開発への売却を発表。同日付で東急グループからは離脱する予定である[1]。ただし、白馬東急ホテルは現行どおり東急グループとして今後も営業予定である。 I wonder which skijo in Japan has the most owners?
  7. Top right of the page see that Daily Reports link... check some of the previous seasons reports from December and March to get an idea for those popular places. But yes I would choose March.
  8. 安曇野市・豊科地域インターチェンジ名称検討協議会(会長:宮澤宗弘市長)は、長野自動車道(長野道)「豊科インターチェンジ(IC)」について、「安曇野IC」への名称変更に向けた準備を進めています。 このたび、平成24年6月27日に開催した第4回協議会において、平成24年10月7日に「豊科IC」の名称を「安曇野IC」に名称変更することを決定しましたので、お知らせします。 Basically, the Toyoshina IC on the Nagano Expressway - one that lots of folk get off at to get to Hakuba - is going to be changing name to Azumino IC from 7th October. Here ends said newsflash! Let's not mistaking.
  9. Friend of mine works at a place in the Fuji area and said that it has already affected them. Not heard anything from around here yet, but if it continues I would guess it will.
  10. It looks pretty flat there, so I'd just have to go and say.... Niseko.
  11. Have heard of it, but never had a policeman knock on my door.
  12. If they will have many people at the funeral and will of course be busy that might well be a good idea. Perhaps give them the choice. Tell them you intend to come and which would they prefer. Never know what people are thinking especially in a situation such as that.
  13. I suppose Alts was one of those places that got whipped up in a frenzy of spending in the late 80s/early 90s. People were a bit bonkers around that time.
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