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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by thursday

  1. Becks at spurs would be a fitting closure for his football career. Back in the premie, Champs league, nothing to prove. Would be a good send off. MLS, having paid lots for him have a right to demand his efforts, but really, MLS? Play it graciously, just agree a transfer fee. C'mon you sp---urs.
  2. Toy Story 3. Bought it for the kid, and watched it with him. Damn entertaining and I can understand why grown men left the theatre in tears as reported when this was released. One day, my own would be leaving home for college. Can't wait. Or dread the day.
  3. but in reality you were doing tosser signals to somebody.
  4. Originally Posted By: seemore I actually miss the bum washer. Since I am building again I may have to look into it over hear. Seemore Toto are the best. They purge the cold water before spraying proper.
  5. I'm amazed you haven't died from the poisonous gasses.
  6. Deffo lack of bins. Not just in Sapporo, but in Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Okinawa, everywhere!!
  7. get some gin n tonics in. That'll make you feel better. Have gourmet deliver some niceness.
  8. Niseko *** Michelin Stars Tomamu *** Michelin Stars Sahoro *** Michelin Stars Naeba *** Michelin Stars Shiga Kogen *** Michelin Stars Zao Onsen *** Michelin Stars
  9. Perhaps Asahikawa airport to your hotel destination in Asahikawa?
  10. 8mb is plenty big enough. PC screens cannot tell the difference anyway.
  11. First trip to Japan and you chose Yuzawa? (assuming as first post n all like).
  12. It's gotten worse. Brisbane's being shutdown and people told to evacuate.
  13. you'll need first class upgrade to lay really flat. And they'll have to give you endless champagne to ease the pain.
  14. Anybody else experience this on the Xperia? Can't win the jackpot 3 times in a row.
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