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Everything posted by bettyx

  1. yikes, has anyone noticed meg ryan's crazy, scary face on the nescafe CM ? & she used to be so cute.
  2. i have about 3wks holiday over xmas. plus every weekend between the season open & close. fingers crossed this cold weather means the snow falls soon & heavily!
  3. yeah, good call. i need a new pass holder. not that there's much room for advertising..
  4. not sure about how much they're paid. but how much do you think i'd need to pay to acquire me a little japanese kid, like the one in the cup noodle ad> y'know, he eats the noodles & suddenly turns into a rocker on a motorbike with hot girls all round him? he's so cute, i hated the ad at first but now he gets me smiling every time...
  5. so i've done a heap of searches but can't seem to find any old threads on this topic, apologies if it's been done to death already.. i'm looking for a place to stay for the winter season, either - -an apartment/sharehouse -room, or -bed. i work in matsumoto so will be commuting on weekends but would like to stay for a few weeks over xmas. things i need: a warm place to lay my futon a kitchen/place for cooking a shower/bath & a carpark, if possible. anyone have any suggestions? i'm open for anything, but cannot take full-time employment as i already h
  6. does apple pie count as a fruit? just ate the biggest piece ever. possibly due to freezing cold.. nope, doesn't look like i'll be losing any weight before winter!
  7. oi~ i'm an east coaster. maybe. what's a banana bender?
  8. gamera, ever tried a balance ball, instead of a chair? i've found it helps my posture.. even though i'm forever sitting at my little table with a soccer ball-sized ball as a cushion. ok, does anyone know what thallium is? i've been watching that case on the news about the girl who poisoned her mum with ??????
  9. how about the 'i'm yr best friend until i find out you have a boyfriend (or girlfriend, as it may be)' ? this happened again on the weekend. had lunch & spent the day with two new friends, both guys, thought it was great as i haven't got many jap guy friends at the moment, and seeing as there was two of them i knew there was no chance of it being mistaken as a date. however, the minute they found out i had a boyfriend (this was after about 5 hours) they both kinda went cold, & since then i haven't heard a word. crazy. & gamera, you've gotta meet some normal australian
  10. my friend works at hagendaaz at goryu. free mega sundaes at the end of the day mean goryu wins hands down..
  11. isn't challenge a verb in english as well? (eg. ' i challenge you to a duel')
  12. thank you. now where can i find a humidifyer? yamada denki? cost me Y6000 to be told i have cold. damn stupid company requires a doctors certificate for any absences, & that cost an extra Y1500!
  13. thank you. makes me feel much better... that japtimes article pissed me off a little. the journo said he brought his kids up in the japanese education system, but i wonder if he taught them english too? (he probably sent them to novakids!)
  14. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20051023rp.htm what do you think?
  15. me too. tastes like i've swallowed sandpaper & it's lodged in my throat. haven't been sick in soo long, this sucks!
  16. i meant to say, 'being vego'. however, still in my pyjamas at 1pm probably makes me a vege, no? & yes, have you tried a conbini sandwich? they put the filling on about 1/3 of the bread, just where you can see it. i swear the rest of the bread is just for holding.
  17. this is the most excited i've been on a sunday morning in i can't remember how long. now, when is the Y30000 lift pass lottery drawn?
  18. really? i remember getting off at either aomori or morioka station. is aomori even a station, or is it a prefecture? i'm confused.. wish i could remember further back than yesterday
  19. while we're on the recycling/rubbish topic, how do i dispose of a battery ? my rubbish is separated into plastic/combustible. so what do i do with an old AA battery?
  20. i make a lunchbox everyday. anytime i do it aussie style (sandwich, apple, yoghurt), the kids totally freak out. 'you eat a whole apple? & is that sandwich homemade?!' being vege means i miss out on most of the good stuff in store-bought bentos, saw one in 711 which was part of a new healthy range with all different vege/tofu dishes. didn't buy it, though.. maybe next time.
  21. is appi the one in aomori? i went to appi once, but can't for the life of me remember where. the one in niseko is annapurna or something, right?
  22. yes, stereotyping. but it's the use of the 'gaijin' stereotype which i don't like. it's bad enough that every person i meet thinks i'm american, but to suddenly lump every single non-japanese person together is a bit of a stretch, no? i wish i could be sarcastic in japanese. i just can't seem to do it.
  23. ha. back to the original topic - i learnt to ski in japan from a japanese teacher, even though i could barely speak at the time. it was all about following my teacher like a little duckling, copying what they did & trying my best. i remember there was a girl from norway & she quit half way through the lesson as she was so frustrated with being unable to ask questions. so pilot, some foreigners may not mind english that is less than perfect - even a few words would probably be appreciated! but maybe not for kids?
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