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Everything posted by HighlyTrainedNovaTeacher

  1. Home made donuts. I am getting quite good at them, though worried about my waistline. I really must try to get my next chapter of life sorted out.
  2. I took a small box of staples rach. I do feel rather guilty.
  3. I enjoyed my time there but I'm out now. Sad what has happened. Well in some ways. Still trying to think through what to do next.
  4. Quote: ....and wastage What have AETs got to do with it? People are quite to blow off about prices without knowing costs involved.
  5. Isn't that N > S line right where that big earthquake fault goes too?
  6. The summer here sucks (or at least I don't like it) and so it's good that the weather is finally starting to cool down a bit - with a few hiccups every now and again. But doesn't going back to work suck when you've had a few weeks off and are just about getting used to the lazy routine? Oh well. Gambarimasho! (with clenched fist)
  7. That sure is good news. All the guys where I live are over 70 I think, perhaps they don't know about the interwebtubes.
  8. Quote: $25M Yen or so? Have you tried Nova English School? Near the station. (Sorry to hear about that! All of a sudden? What happened?)
  9. Congratulations. I bet your wife will be relieved it's you going through the carrying!
  10. Actually I often find the shops cannot compete with online prices. So I find it curious what you say bobby12. Perhaps I need to find better shops!
  11. I really must buy a camera. A whole lot of looking and research is required though
  12. Not changing underwear as a form of rebellion! From what I gather there is a fair amount of truancy at my local schools - some of that is due to bullying other may be the rebels.
  13. Quote: One thing I have always wanted to do is do a family tree on my wife's* family. Good idea, I did that last year with a group and it was really very interesting (for me too). Took a bit of effort but the students were up for it and so it turned out to be a popular choice. Maybe could do it for famous people. (* Not your wifes family, by the way).
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