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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by mfurmane

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Sam The Eagle's Brother: My bro is really into star wars and in the us. He has seen the new one 3 times already - says it is so much better than 1 and 2. He seems to be pleased! uhh...would that be Sam the Eagle?
  2. did you see CSI last night? same thing came up. I've heard that a lot in the past. Sounds about right.
  3. to do: beach volleyball, swimming, wakeboarding, waterskiing, barefooting, snowboarding, hockey.... to watch: hockey!!!!
  4. Yeah, I think that is a remake of the old Gene Wilder version...gonna be hard to beat I think. I saw Anchorman last night. Second time. Not quite a gem, but entertaining. Don't know what else to say really, except, "Stay classy...world."
  5. Dell Inspiron (sp?) laptops...bought one in 2000...yeah, there was a recall on the battery b/c of risk of fire in 2002. I use/buy PC's b/c of the familiarity...no other reason really.
  6. >The email equivalent of the fax for uselessness is the scanned pdf. Wow...I disagree, can you believe it? I find the scanned pdf very useful to transmit marked-up drawings and stuff. This way the recipient can view them without leaving their desk and can choose to print or not to print. Unfortunately, my current office lacks one of these and the facsimile clogs the entire process.
  7. i too work with clients with the same outdated demands.....their rationale is security....they don't trust the interweb yet.
  8. That about sums it up. I continue to post because it's fun ruffling your feathers...you provide humor and help pass the time until I can skip gleefully back to paradise.
  9. it takes no courage to put forward a theory. any coward with a stupid avatar can put forth a theory. i don't have the answers sparkplug....and neither do you....that's the point!
  10. My point is that everything...at this point...is mere speculation. Critics love this tactic as it really operates to gather support for their "thoeries." Somebody earlier opined that Bush would be unable to correctly respond to an NK nuke test. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I ask: what would be the proper response? would it be no response at all? The vast foreign policy knowledge of the members of this forum must have the most peaceful means outlined somewhere....or must we wait until after it all happens and then just listen to your critiques? Yes, unfortunately A
  11. I second that. Cretin...now that's a funny word.
  12. whatever happened to "so, what's your sign?" This blood information is so creepy.
  13. I would think with all the lunches you've had with your dear mentor Mr. Prather that you'd have some honorary doctorate by now. Ask him next time you chat, he's undoubtedly more qulified than I and less biased too.
  14. OC - Projecting yourself as some sort of intellectual is comical because you spend your entire day childishly attacking other people's opinions/ideas on internet message boards. Do you fail to understand the inherent risk involved with testing nuclear weapons?
  15. sounds like somebody just got out of the Cannes viewing of the new Star Wars movie...geesh.
  16. good answer...let's all wait for an intelligible one now, shall we?
  17. what would be the correct response? or do we all have to wait until after some response is made to craft a better one?
  18. i guess i would just think that the man in a wig is too obsessed with how he looks...not that there's anything wrong with that...
  19. yeah, a bit of a rip...but I felt like I at least had to try it... 2 chips?
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