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yoroshiku onegai shimasu

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by yoroshiku onegai shimasu

  1. Just had a play with the app. Nice one, I bet that took a ton of time just in itself. Fantastic work, you guys seem to put the foot down further on the accelerator every year. Very commendable, good on you I say as well.
  2. Can see it here better http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/galleries/355781/Monsters_by_muikabochi.html
  3. Is that one out already? I watched The Insider last night that was a pretty good watch.
  4. I was called middle aged when I was 21 by a young kid. Oh well, 21, 40 both the same no difference.
  5. That Modnation racers is fun! My friend has it and got quite addicted to it. Made any courses yourself Rob?
  6. For those wanting to do some sexy disco dancing this weekend, but not too confident in your dance skills. This will be helpful.
  7. I don't really know too much about him, but what has Ishihara done that's so bad?
  8. Does it feel like an invasion, asb?! Reminds me of that movie with Michael Caine in it, bees I think (Swarm?)
  9. I have only seen Avatar in 3D and while the effects were impressive, I found it too long, annoying and I wanted it to end and give my eyes a rest.
  10. I thought Avatar was DROSS. Obviously fantastic effects and all, but crap all the same.
  11. Quote: One of the few dishes not to arrive with cheese are the snails. Because that would just be wrong. Don't serve them then!
  12. My connection goes wonky when the phone rings... it is annoying. End the call and it seems to go back being ok.
  13. Not for the park but I would like to go there. Anyone round these parts live near Alts?
  14. I have the S90 and really really like it. It takes cracking pictures. Haven't taken it out on the snow though yet.
  15. Up Need to be in the mood for 'animation'. Oh yes and Carry On Again Doctor
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