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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 69

  1. That other guy on a morning program is similarly annoying. (The program where the 3 of them start off standing at the front with a Pretenders song going off in the background and that guy doing his 'comments' for the day). I don't know which is worse, though probably Minomonta.
  2. I can also see a whole raft of bad publicity and other not good things happening.
  3. In the UK there seems to be a mad fuss over a band called Arctic Monkeys. I heard some of their songs last night and thought they were just terrible.
  4. Saw "The Juon" (with Buffy). Set in Japan. Not particularly interesting. But Buffy was in it, so worth watching for that. She rocks.
  5. Seems perfectly reasonable to me and not in the least bit hypocritical. That would surely be something that they organise and so take some sort of responsibility for.
  6. I saw the village as well - was looking forward to it. Didn't live up to expectations.
  7. Kiss Clublife Summer 2000. Funny how these new music machines just throw music at you that you. I can't even remember how this one got on there! I sure didn't buy it. Some quite groovy tracks going on though.
  8. I didn't have anything particularly special planned but turned out I had a really bad cold - still do - so not much going on.
  9. I think cows are more brainier than sheep aren't they?
  10. I download some stuff but I find the process of actually finding good stuff painful. And can't find that much that interests me to be honest. There have been some good finds, but...
  11. The (slightly) bullied at school often have the last laugh.
  12. Quote: it's funny saying to people to ran a "maraso-n" and then they go "Wow!" and i have to correct myself, no not "marathon," "maraso-n dessyo." What?
  13. is obake no qtaro a white condom? I know what you mean gamera. I always seem to end up watching womens marathons. Paula Radcliffe over summer was very impressive.
  14. I bought some gear a while back, not properly setup yet and just messing around at the moment but I'm really into the idea of it all. torihada - you paint for a living?
  15. OK here too. I think there are a lot of happy podders out there.
  16. You'll be able to do weekends as well from there nipstar. Welcome
  17. I am in a place that has fairly decent public transport (not the once an hour time), but still glad I got me car.
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