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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by 69

  1. I keep peanut butter in the fridge. Better that way.
  2. 666 users are online Scary number! Love the new look. Very modern. Just a slight upgrade then
  3. And don't forget, they are very sorry. That more than makes up for it all.
  4. Well, let me say that I am not keen on Akiaji. A bit too strong really for my liking. Will you all disown me now?
  5. I used to have one of them but I was always most in love with my train set.. had a pretty good set up actually at one time. Wish I had photos to bring back the memories good and proper.
  6. A few people I know go mad over Sigur Ros. They frikkin annoy me something bad. There, I said it.
  7. Japan is still down though, as is HK.
  8. I saw that, it was good. Sounds like there were actually a lot of people not confident in what they were doing and making a lot of cockups too.
  9. Got a cool Yebisu t-shirt from Uniqlo today. I think I need to drink some to celebrate.
  10. Got a cool Yebisu t-shirt from Uniqlo today. I think I need to drink some to celebrate.
  11. 20% from 5%? That would surely not be a good idea.
  12. Cows are suffering too. Just seen a rather distressing bit on the news of tons of cows in a cowshed shouting their heads off hungry and thirsty. This is close to Fukushima where they soon will just be left alone.
  13. I prefer plums myself. In a pie or crumble.
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