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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by gnarly-dude

  1. Have you taken into account that big wanger? Must affect balance you'd think. Hope you like your new toy Mick.
  2. The fact is that most of the world looks on incredulously at that stance. Myself included, can't get my head around it. Are we allowed that opinion?
  3. Never really considered going that part of Japan. Looks like a good area out of winter too. Cheers dude.
  4. Skateboarding. I'd be into surfing perhaps if I lived closer. About it really.
  5. I want to slap one of the cute girls at my local conbini right on her pert bottom!
  6. Now you will have USB3, unless you got tons of cash you want to use I would go USB3. Much cheaper. No, not quite as fast, but much faster than what you are used to with USB2.
  7. The Maps thing is interesting. Google is so.... head start, hard to believe Apple can bring it so quickly as good as that.
  8. Tokyo <> LA seems to be about $1800 which is curious as I thought I would get a yen price.
  9. Hi Pez I suggest you sit down with a pot of coffee and read through lots of the similar threads on here. You realise the alps aren't exactly "on the way up" as such. You'd need to get there from Tokyo then come back and then fly up to Hokkaido.
  10. Love it too. Also liking JOURNEY on the PSN download.
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