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Everything posted by Hokkaidough

  1. Bizarre! I'm trying to think of any more impractical ideas.
  2. It is a one off. They recommended a new card. I will have to pay the amount and claim it back, which will be in about 3 months.
  3. Thing is I still have my card, it was never stolen. "An online transaction", apparently.
  4. Well, last month. On my visa card bill today there's an entry for something I have no idea about - never even heard of the name on the bill and certainly never bought anything - for just under 40,000 yen. So I phone up Visa, seems the only way to go about it is to get a new visa card number and then reclaim the 40,000 yen which I might get back in 3 or 4 months. I'm really not happy. Any experiences like this?
  5. Mine is jogging related too. I want to be able to jog 15km without stopping. Thats what I'm aiming for.
  6. I like the Gnarls Barkley CD. Another good one of this year was the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I took out the filler and made a 1 cd out of it.
  7. Sounds like a noisy mix to me that. Got any Celine Dion? That Titanic theme was pretty lovey.
  8. Looks like a great book that. 48 countries. Rather more impressive than my count-on-one-hand efforts. Interesting to see his comments about people getting out of booming ski towns.
  9. Come to Hokkaidough. We might not have as much as usual, but we are fairing better than you guys dawn sawf.
  10. Definitely. If you were in Furano it would be much more realistic.
  11. I read most of the reports even though I am not planning on going to most of the places.
  12. Oh right. I was meaning just because there are so many posts being made. Anyway.....
  13. Thanks keba. I actually really like the look of them in the shops but wondering if all that shininess might get to be too much every day all the time!!
  14. Hmm, so there's no one word to describe them then, different by maker?
  15. I was looking at some notebook computers in the shop last night and noticed that lots of them now seem to have these incredibly shiny screens. Whats the name of that kind of screen, anyone? Thanks.
  16. I like sunglasses too, and dislike goggles. I have never found any goggles they both a) fit and don't steam up and quickly become a real pain.
  17. Hi Hannahs dad, welcome. (How's Hannah, will we meet her as well?)
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