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Everything posted by Hokkaidough

  1. I like the way the poll results appear on the page rather than in the popup Back to Fuji - I prefer Yotei myself.
  2. If I remember correctly you guys haven't been to hokkaido yet (?) - interested to know why you have ruled that out.
  3. New Mos Burger! Anyone else tried the "new" Mos Burger? I believe it is a mix of beef and pork rather than just beef in the meat. I had 2 last night and was wondering where the taste had gone. Much prefer the original ones.
  4. Do they wear nice clean white gloves? Who are you voting for, CB?
  5. I have to work on the Tues and Wed, but in the 2nd part I'll be exploring Hakodate.
  6. In the 2nd half, I'm visiting friends in Hakodate and going to explore that area a bit.
  7. Whatever resorts, less than half the number of the year before I think places like Rusutsu and Tomamu will feature quite a lot in the Hokkaido list not just Niseko.
  8. I don't know anyone still making their way out. Good on ya, tsondaboy!
  9. In that situation and I'm the front car I think it's my right to go first if I turned up first.
  10. So are you going to actually have to work a lot then in this new school CB?
  11. Casino Royale The film is great but the extras are crap. No commentary, and a few documentaries - one preCR and the other one that has been on tv anyway. It is just so obviously the first release before the proper "full of extras and worth buying" version. Very annoying when they do this, for obvious reasons.
  12. "skunk cabbage" Does it smell bad? I don't actually know what a skunk smells like. I do know what a bad rotten cabbage smells like though!
  13. Lots of my Japanese friends have pretty much packed up the skis and boards and their season is over. I'm perhaps up for a few more times. There's still a lot of snow left, even though it might not be as easy to get to. Your season - finished or more to come?
  14. Having a rest. Just came back from a few days in Niseko where I had an awesome day yesterday.
  15. I was in Niseko yesterday and got to say that conditions were really good, had an awesome day. Some were saying best of the season. Not over yet folks!
  16. Is this a widespread problem you think? I have only limited experience - twice - but on those occasions I (seem to) have been very welcome and never felt any resistance at all. I suppose it will of course depend on who you are dealing with, perhaps I was lucky.
  17. I've just been as good as ill for the last 10 days or so. Not actually very ill but not 100% and it has made me tired and not able to really do any exercise. I'm going for a light jog tonight though as I'm feeling a bit better so hopefully this week I will get dressed up for the slopes and be out there.
  18. Perhaps we could build a thread here whenever you find a really life enhancing new gadget and want to tell us all. We'll all benefit. Here's one to start off. Nearly everyone has fallen to the temptation of picking one's nose in public. It is a strangely pleasant experience, but unfortunately an experience that is meant to be done in private rather than in full view of the public eye. The Nose Picker offers a more hygienic approach to this favorite past time, boasting a fake finger that is made from synthetic rubber along with a clean nail to boot. There is a handle located a
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