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stripper on coke

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Everything posted by stripper on coke

  1. ha ha ha..........you sound like a funny guy scouser. I'd love to be beside you having a beer tonight, especially so if England go down........I bet you wouldn't be so funny then. Mind you, I would also like to see England do well tonight, and during Euro........although, my heart is probably not in it as much as yours.
  2. I'm a bit lost by all this - is the national flag of Japan still the red circle on a white background ? ? ? ? Sometimes I see this other flag with the kind of strips (or sunrays) coming from the red circle (or sun ???). I thought this was the navy's flag, but disused since the war...... As for the national anthem.........are there 2 contenders or something...?????? I know Australia had a look at changing the natinal anthem a few years ago to 'Walzting Matilda'. Or perhaps it was just a bunch of sports fans being loud and 'disrespectful'....still, walzting matilda is sung everywh
  3. .......and if I ever have a mathematical problem in the future, I willl ask you about that as well - nice one ......
  4. eeeeeaaaaaaasy there scouser, some of us antipodeans (???) couldn't give a rats a_s what time of the day or night it is in England.......come to think of it, I couldn't really care what time it is anywhere......other then beer'o'clock That just might be the answer, throw on a bunch of tekno muzik and have myself a par-T...... As for the result, well, I believe the game of football will be tonight's winner.........(you like that one ????)
  5. Dims, quick question....what is 'the sugar cube method' ????? Now, I've had more then my share of sugar cubes in my time, but, NEVER have they had alcohol inside...(mind you, never were they just sugar cubes either....... ) I thik absynthe is french, is it ? (anyone...)
  6. Now that's not very nice, is it.......is it a night game in England or something ???? " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> Wot to do - no VCR, ......difficult to stay up that late (unless it's a party....), ........and don't like waking up that early either. Ummm, I'm sure they'll have the results somewhere on the web by about 10:30am tomorrow morning when I arise..... BTW scouser, thanks for the info, just one other question, who are you backing ? ? ? ? ha ha ha
  7. Ok, in the uk, the No1 hit when I was born was; (wait for it.......) Son Of My Father by Chicory Tip (anybody....?????????) And in the states, it was; Without You by Nilsson ( I think I have actually heard of Nilsson - did he also make surfboards ???????) ha ha And in Australia, it was..... Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West) by Benny Hill CLASSIC!!! (Now I know who Benny Hill is, but, did anyone know he had a No1 hit in Oz ? ? ? ? ? ? Better still, does anyone know this song ??????)
  8. I was wondering if anyone knows what time (japanese time) tonight's game of football between England and Japan is being broadcast here ? I am assumming they are showing it on tv - Japan's last game was shown..... I'm hoping someone (maybe scouser) know's....... Cheers
  9. Yuki's Passion - AMEN to that....let's get rid of that damn music from the slopes !!!
  10. I USED to work at an embassy in Tokyo - I was there for a number of years. Basically, almost 100% of the time, the embassies or the govt in the home country will announce there are threats issued against those citizens.... These days however, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to realise if you are from the USA, UK or more recently, Australia you are at risk. Mind you, there are other countries at risk as well...... Still, there is much more risk in being a citizen of Iraq or Palistine or Afganistan or North Korea or (the list goes on............). In my opinion, we now liv
  11. Almost 70 days..(would have to get up from here and check for the exact number)...everyone of them magical (..well to me anyway )
  12. James Bond wears a bow-tie - they can't be too uncool them......
  13. Michael Moore also has this to say about the matter....... http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php
  14. Just saw this on Michael Moore's website - when is this movie coming here ? ? ? ? ? Tuesday, May 11th, 2004 Wacko Attacko, Response #1 While my new film Fahrenheit 9/11 has not been seen yet, it seems to have already generated a wee bit of interest. Here's the latest. This morning, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal ‹ who has not seen the film - has decided, instead, to review a "synopsis" of the film. That's right, a "synopsis" from a fax of an early version of a press release someone gave him from the studio. Based on this, he accuses the film of being inaccurate. Bu
  15. Just found this interesting little tidbit about Jefferson Starship - the people we have to 'thank' for that tragic song, 'we built this city on slock'n'roll'. And I quote their curriculum vitrae from their webpage, www.jeffersonstarship.com ; "JEFFERSON STARSHIP, a collaboration of celebrated musicians that plays from the rich songbook of its legendary forefathers JEFFERSON AIRPLANE and the original incarnation of JEFFERSON STARSHIP, prevails as one of the most critically acclaimed touring acts today. Steeped in the fantastic realms of science fiction and the contemporary American
  16. I think everyone is missing the point. The important thing I get from the season so far, is this; I think it is wonderful to hear the German having fun........now, if he would only smile...
  17. I don't believe noone has mentioned 'achy breaky heart' - Billy Ray Cyrus (??) Oh no !. I now have that shocking melody in my head.......I hope you do to....
  18. ....contiuing with the troll, ......perhaps we could get 'Rummy' to come up with a new outline, perhaps something along the lines of the 'New Euro 04'. Being that 'Old Europe' (France, Germany, etc, I guess this also now includes Spain as well....) wouldn't be concidered for the new tournament, the winner could play a team picked by Bush and Co of eligable players from the rest of the 'free' world. Of course, Rummy with be the manager of the 'White (house) All Stars'.....(but not the man in charge). I can see it's got poteintial, however, I wouldn't want to be on the recieving
  19. Bikie gangs who ride around on 50-100cc 'motorbikes' are sooooooo coooool man, and they are so tough - I wish I could join their group and hang out with them - NOT !!!! The thing I wish I could see though, is these guys having a gang war with a bikie gang from Australia, N.Z, the States, ......any other bike gang in the world would do. Now, that would be worthwhile........lets see how their bamboo swords stand up again AK's, shotguns, and REAL swords. Another reason to argue the laws of natural selection are not working in Japan.
  20. This is too bad, but, like you say, also good - a lot of people will now go and see the film just because of the publicity involved. If this movie is anything like his previous flicks, or at all similar to his writen work, it should be well worth seeing. Having read a number of his books, and seen what he has already writen about the Bush family (and fomer presidents as well), I can understand Disney wanting to distance themselves. However, why did they get involved anyway ? ? ? ? ? Surely Disney, and Miramax, had an idea of the type of controversy Micheal Moore is capable of.......
  21. Guitar riff - Dire Straits 'Money for nothing (and your chicks for free)'
  22. Anyone play 'Two-Up' on Sunday. I had a drink for the Diggers, but nowhere to play Two-Up'. Come in Spinner.......
  23. Well put DB, couldn't have said it better myself. Having recently moved out of Tokyo (after way too many years), for the wide open plains of Niigata, I can tell you the sounds, smells and people are in no way even similar to Tokyo. Heck, even the water here tastes good...... Mind you, the country side does have it's drawbacks. These include very limited range of goods in supermarkets, commuting by road with country drivers (this is not a comparisson to Tokyo drivers - they're shocking as well.....). And living in such a direction that I'm unable to pick up sky tv, I'd have to say the tel
  24. What about Jefferson Airplane - 'white rabbit', even the Dorrs 'Roadhouse Blues' must rate as an anthem....
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