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Everything posted by Teledude

  1. Bears are supposed to hibernate, but being the unpredictable bastards that they are....they can and often do wake up whenever they like. But not often. That said, bears are pretty cute....from about a half mile away...but never in a cage...I've never seen one around here, I'm sure it'd be shot and eaten before anyone had a chance to say anything about it. I know there was a lot about bears coming into houses and scareing people and even mauling some but whose fault is that really? Where the hell are they supposed to go in Japan!? I'm shocked to even know they can exist here, would love to
  2. Now all I need is a nice printer...and some plastic ripstop paper to print all these on!..oh yeah, and people under the age of 100 to get out there with....small details...thanks a million!
  3. I've been waiting for this for awhile now, hope there's some good snow there, anyone know where the nightlife is near there? Possibly Morioka? Maybe see some of you there?
  4. Be careful, you don't want to offend some of the ripping Norwegians who definitely KNOW that Telemark skiing began in Telemark, Norway way back when. It never really went away but it was definitely revived in the U.S. It has definitely mutated though from the leather/skinny touring skis to deliver mail in the mountains, to today's fats and heavy plastics for ripping sick lines in deep pow. Though, if your at it enough, you'll meet just about an even amount of both still. That's why it's so great, there's nobody telling you what to ski on or how or where to do it. There's still plenty of p
  5. Keep me updated as well, can't make it this weekend (out of cash) but will be going to Appi the next weekend 21, 22,23rd. I"d love to check out some tele festas but need some planning time..see ya!
  6. So my little town has gotten 52 cm mon, 65 tues, 54 weds and STILL snowing, and I'm stuck at school!!!! There's no such thing as a snow day here apparently...
  7. ...and STILL DUMPING for the 5th day straight. Couldn't get my truck out the other day but did last night...and then today...back to work!!!!! Any place else and the day would have been called an official snow day!!!!
  8. Coming from Colorado and only skiied in Tohoku so far, doesn't compare...it's not bad but pricey (not to say that Colorado is cheap but at least you get your money's worth terrain and snow wise), small mountains, loud crappy music blaring all over the place, slow lifts, tons of people. But ramen is great for lunch, the snow is voluminous if not a bit wet, and there are resorst everywhere. But nothing so far has been a bit challenging...I feel I'm regressing as a skier but I'm headed to Hokkaido next month so it should be a bit better. Then there's the backcountry and I'm just not qualified
  9. Hmm, gonna add my 2 yen...I'd definitely try on as many packs as you can and don't just buy for price on the internet. Fit and function is everything. A great cheap pack that doesn't suit your needs with extra crap you don't need is wasted space and weight or worse, not enough. But fit is first. Especially if you are going to be skiing with it for many hours, days, weeks years, it will be your lifeline so choose carefully. Shovels/probes...sure aluminum is usually stronger than plastice but there are plenty of great plastic shovels..Lifelink and Ortovox come to mind. Go for function, th
  10. Sorry, it's still dumping here, got 50cm from yesterday and still dumping...but then my little hill isn't the best but it's been fresh powder every day for the past week with no crowds so I can't complain.
  11. Oh yeah, the Ultimates are about $150 US but you get them cheaper just look around the web
  12. I second the Ultimate if you 've got cold hands, I've had a pair for years as well...but now I find that they're TOO warm. I'm looking at some Cloudveil Troller gloves or Marmot's Work gloves. I really like leather as it lasts a good long time. The Troller's are $65 US The Work gloves are about $80 US
  13. I'm heading out tomorrow for a few turns! Yeah this month sucked A@$ with all the rain, let's hope the snow continues, and continues, at least until I can get my a#$ up to Hokkaido in Feb, but first Appi next month...
  14. It's been dumping here all day and last night too for the first time this year. But that said, no comparison to Hokkaido..we only got a bout 35cm so far...but it's still snowing and I'm happy as a clam, now if I could just get the hell out of the office....
  15. Yeah, I don't think I saw the first one, I think I have the second and third. Like the backcountry sections but could use less park. And I've also seen many better Telemarkers back home as well, but then, a lot of them are now in the movies too.
  16. Haven't seen those but I"ve heard of them. The forst few Unparalleled vids were pretty good but yeah, a little too much park for me. Haven't seen the latest though. I've got a couple local ones (from Colorado where I'm from) but nothing that special. If you find anything else.
  17. Yeah, I'll be there for sure, can't wait actually, it's snowing today here, hopefully it'll keep up for awhile...see you there!
  18. Good to see all the freeheelers out there! Just caught this thread before it disappeared. Haven't been on here in awhile since there hasn't been any white stuff here but I've had to just stick to watching the Unparalleled movies over and over. And watching it rain outside. Been teleing since 97 when my ex sold my alpines on me...can't thank her enough for that one...I've skied Tua's from the beginning and am still dying that they aren't being made any more...maybe the new G3 skis will match them. I've got a pair of 97 Scarpa T3s, a pair of 99 T2s and am looking for a new pair of T1s...
  19. Screw the gear, you should get some education before anything, navigation, avy classes and all. THEN and only then should you start thinking about what you need to get out there. And leave the Heli for those posers who can't get there and back by themselves...
  20. I should hope so. There's a plethora of other Asahi's though. I'm in Yamagata. Where I am we've been getting snow but rain on some days which means sunken ice layers underneath. But today is constant rain.
  21. Hate them myself. I like really steep jump turn moguls though. They are definitely a pain in the ass on teles but I've got plenty of friends that like em. I guess it's because I was never a very good alpine skier and never really got used to them then. I'd have to agree that they do make you a better skier overall, if your knees can take it, mine prefer not to have to.
  22. I like that..."Ski Assisted Mountaineering" My thoughts exactly. I'll stick with my open bowls and mild trees thanks. But damn! That's not skiing...more like falling with style!
  23. This weekend was great....for surfing! It was 23 here in my neck of the neck here in Yamagata. The snow was really really really really really really reall.....sloppy. Great day to be laying in a lawn chair in shorts and t-shirt which I did. But it's dumping now. Still a bit too warm here to stick but maybe 1000 meters up it will. There's going to be a nasty rime layer underneath anything that sticks if the weather gets cold again. This means huge danger so be careful out there. Thank God for snow though! I was searching for my flip flops a little early this year. And to think Colora
  24. Oh yeah, skiing with a huge pack SUCKS! A good midsize daypack works well. IF you ski camp, pull a sled. Much easier on the back although still difficult, much more comfortable. Personally, I usually have stayed in huts or yurts. In Colorado it's cheap and pretty easy.
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