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Everything posted by HeatherLocklearRocks

  1. I reckon there's a bit of "hope" in that comment about "only if there is a problem already", Mamabear. Don't overestimate males in such situations.
  2. I have a good 500m to get to one. As you can guess, I really need to plan things because of this inconvenience.
  3. Had something like that. I remember once my 5 apparently looked too much like an S, even though it was in the middle of a number. I think it was 105,000 yen. So yeah sure it's going to be an S, right? Anyway I had to make sure the top left part of the 5 had straight lines to make sure. They made me cross it out, write it again and hanko. Incredulous looks from me, gaijin-can't-understand look from bank teller.
  4. Cooler today, yesterday was getting a bit hot out there for sure.
  5. Surely gnarly people, like us, would just not bother and get hiking with a few jam butties in their backpack. Naked of course.
  6. Yes rates are back to crazy endaka levels. Time to send scrape around and send some back I think.
  7. My local bank is a sea of constant aisatsu. Thing that gets me is that it's not only the ladies (always ladies) on the counter, but all of the dudes behind as well. Busy working on whatever they are working on, but still manage to throw out those greetings when someone goes in!
  8. Cheese is great. Would love to make some, didn't realise it was something that could easily be done. What kind would it be Tubby?
  9. Thanks for all your trip reports, muikabochi. Always like seeing them and looking on with a bit of envy!
  10. Chiba-ken dude saying the same kind of thing 千葉県の森田健作知事は17日の記者会見で、入れ墨をしている大阪市職員が110人に上ったことについて、「本当に驚いた。昔と違ってファッション的だとか何とか言うが公務員はしてはいけない」と述べ、公務員は入れ墨をするべきではないとの認識を示した。 県総務課によると、県の服務規程に入れ墨を禁止する規定はない。大阪市のような入れ墨調査は予定していないが、同課は「ファッションであっても入れ墨は県民に嫌悪感や不快感を抱かせる。県民の目に触れるような事例があれば指導、注意したい」と話している。
  11. I think late Jan - early Feb is pretty much the safest bet in most places hey. Thanks for sharing the pics, snowjunky.
  12. If you haven’t gobbled up all your Easter eggs yet then we have just the Bank Holiday breakfast for you: a Creme Egg croissant. Simply wrap a fridge-cold Creme Egg in shop-bought puff pastry, making sure to seal the edges well, and brush the top with raw, beaten egg. Place under a hot grill for six minutes until golden brown and gooey.
  13. Talking of classics, I saw The Ten Commandments recently. I like those classic flicks.
  14. Can someone tell me... does 'kyushoku' mean 'school lunch' or does it have a wider meaning?
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