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Everything posted by pie-eater

  1. If they wore smashing blouses and lovely dresses, I bet they'd get the attention too rach.
  2. On their facebooks live chat page I got this: Not very live is it. And is that last bit suggesting I go have a wank or something? Anyway, I will certainly continue to browse their site, as it's all jolly interesting.
  3. UPDATED! Er, with this: Oh, and there's no button below. Actually a button does appears sometimes when I reload the page, but disappears within 5 seconds if I click it and it doesn't respond. I desperately would like to "chat" with the live help just to see how utterly hopeless and meaningless that all is as well.
  4. It's Friday! Gambaro Note: Left hand position.
  5. I particularly like the way all the media cameras give us sweeping body length shots, feet to head, of the ladies. And commentary about the colour of their dresses. Don't need that with the blokes!
  6. Absolutely fantastic! You may say, Abetastic.
  7. In both of those documentaries, I was at times extremely worried about the safety of the President, and thought that there might be some grim endings. Thankfully, that wasn't the case and The Phantom of the Opera (who can't sing) and that other bloke who nobody knows his name saved the day, which was jolly pleasing. I wonder which happened first. You'd think the White House people would have learned lessons from the first incident.
  8. I'm jolly well hoping that my naked photos are safe in the 'iCloud' after some other celebs have had theirs leaked.
  9. Ultra cool and modern. Everyone loves Bono-san!
  10. STILL the same. These people need to check out the gambaro thread. That's if they're not asleep.
  11. It's quite clever really. While he was surely disappoined at not finding any food, by taking money, he can then go out to the local store and buy some.
  12. A monkey in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has rained down banknotes on people, reports say. Surprised holidaymakers in the scenic pine forest of Shimla, the state capital, ran around, collecting the falling notes for nearly an hour on Sunday, eyewitnesses said. Reports said the simian stole 10,000 rupees ($165; £100) from a nearby home. The monkey had entered the house to look for food, but when it did not find anything to eat, it took the money. There are some 300,000 monkeys in the state and Shimla has long been a haven for the animals. Macaque monkeys are
  13. On mine, press F12 when it's doing the booting thing before the Windows stuff appears...
  14. But whatever happens near half of the folk will be pissed off about it?
  15. Still the same. Quite annoying really, even though I'm not exactly needing what's in there right now at this moment. It's just really crap. In the meantime, a small packet came from the UK yesterday. It was sent normal mail last Wednesday afternoon.
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