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Everything posted by Siren

  1. Yes, I thought it was a steal. The bindings set came with the soles that replace the ones on the boots as well. It is not the best looking set but if you compare that with the U.S.$300 (plus shipping) for a new Bomber TD step-in, it is obviously good value. As a beginner, the possible difference in performance doesn't bother me that much. It is more important for me to get the whole package first and if I want, I can replace any of the items later. There are also other bargain items (last year models) going for JPY17,000 to JPY20,000.
  2. Placing the snow dome inside a shopping mall is a great idea and make commercial sense. It would raise curiosity and attract people who are otherwise hesitate to join the sports. Only if SSAWS have done the same thing (sigh!).
  3. Ocean/Bad/Miltie, Greetings and update! My hardboots arrived yesterday. Went to Jinbocho this afternoon and found/bought a pair of SnowPro Fast step-in bindings at JPY13,000. Spent about half an hour changing the soles of the boots and set up the bindings. It is all ready to go! Miltie, thanks for your advice again. It has helped me a lot in making the choice. Any advice on dos and don'ts on the first day of alpine boarding? Thanks very much everyone for your info and advice. Bestest, Siren
  4. If you keep moving you should be warm enough in your usual ski jacket and pants. Have fun. (Tell us how it is afterwards - I didn't know there is another indoor place)
  5. Kambei, you are a genius! I will send my plank in tomorrow and insist later that they have mixed up my board .
  6. My girlfriend used to wear only her school uniform in SSAWS so it can't be that cold?
  7. Jared, Apologies for asking this stupid question but are you saying you can hike up the mountain in your area and ski without the resort facilities?! That is fantastic! Is it difficult - the hiking I mean? Siren
  8. DIY this year - will go to Jinbocho this weekend to get the iron and wax. Safer than sending them to Minami, won't you say, Kambei?
  9. Hi Anyone has any strong view on the 04 Wisdom or the fire lens? I read somewhere that it is really fragile. Thanks for any input you have. Siren
  10. Thanks Miltie. If I haven't completed my purchase by then, will definitely pay a visit to check out the gears. Siren
  11. http://www.cupola.com/html/wordplay/5tough.htm
  12. FYI Opening Dates: 18/x Yeti 25/x 鹿沢スノーエリア 1/xi Nozawa, Karuizawa Prince 2/xi 大雪山黒岳 11/xi スノークルーズ·オーンズ 14/xi ホワイトピアたかす, ウイングヒルズ白鳥リゾート, ユートピアサイオト 15/xi Sapporo Kakusai, 一の瀬ダイヤモンド (Shiga), 鷲ケ岳, 谷川岳天神平 20/xi 天山リゾート 21/xi Kiroro, 天元台高原
  13. Ocean, I am a convert after seeing yours. I am going get a full-face one this season (hence the interest). Should be useful in cold places like Niseko and Zao! Siren
  14. Same here. Many fond memories. I was hoping that Japanese insolvency law would allow the asset to be sold to a new operator with the slate wiped clean but no such luck.
  15. a rather informative message (by a Randy S) on the subject posted on bomberonline: Quote: Date: October 08, 2003 10:53 AM Author: Randy S. (randysalzman(at)hotmail.com) Subject: I've now owned 5 different ones In the 9 years I've been wearing a helmet, I've owned 6 different ones. Here's my experience: 1) First and foremost, it has to fit right. Some people have round heads and some have more oval melons. Mine is oval. As a result, Leedom, Boeri and some others don't fit me well (they squish my head front-to-back if they fit side-to-side). Don't buy a helmet wit
  16. Tsugaike was great. Try the heli/hike to Tengupara. They open the south face of Norikuradake when the snow condition is stable. Siren
  17. I think they have lost your board, Kambei. It time to issue that demand letter you have been drafting on your firm's letterhead.
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