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Everything posted by KlingKlang

  1. I have a Japanese question and friends aren't giving me a good understanding of the nuance. Anyone help with what this might mean? ã„ã„åŠ æ¸›ã«æ€ã‚ãªã„ã§ãã ã•ã„
  2. Kraftwerk back catalogue remastered and released as a box set in September. At last!
  3. Larry King has really got worse as he gets older. That was just one big lick piece. I recommend everyone to avoid CNN/BBC etc the next day to avoid all the mawkishness that is going to go on.
  4. Recently more people have basically not been paying their invoices or being very late about it. Unfortunately it's part of my job to chase them up and I hate it. Is there an easy way to get on someone's back asking them to pay. It's not as if I am in the wrong, but it's still difficult. Anyone else in the same unfortunate position (and any hot tips?!)
  5. That rehersal looks very much like he is miming. Yet another "shocking revelation".
  6. That was on the tv the other day. I had never seen it but it was very poor. Michael Caine in it too. The fish came back for revenge. As the title implies indeed.
  7. Haven't seen that. Seems to have bombed out of the news the last few weeks here.
  8. If I recall correctly, it means.... sorry, forgot.
  9. They are eventually going to be like a replacement of a small computer out on the road. Definitely useful to lots of people. Re; iphone, is it doing well in Japan anyone know? Don't know anyone who has one myself..
  10. Quote: Hundreds of staff have already expressed in interest in working for free, a BA spokeswoman insisted yesterday. There are only two reasons this could be the case, according to David Guest, professor in organisational psychology at King's College London. "Either they have high levels of commitment to the firm," he said, "or they have high levels of insecurity." Beef or fish?
  11. No, there are different kinds. Compare the gmail one with the one on, say, http://www.snowjapan.com/e/about/contact.html
  12. Last night they had a new Johnnys "unit" on. 4 kids average age about 14, typical molded look with about 50 wannabe eight-year-olds doing the dancing in the background.
  13. I see how there are sponsor messages on the bikini bottoms. I'm sure most people would be shying away from looking down there so it's quite shocking to see those messages.
  14. Yep they were a bad idea. Or perhaps just not executed well.
  15. I agree, waste of time at 28, might as well just sweat and gloat at how good you are being.
  16. Good for you wakaran - know a good few people not as lucky as that.
  17. Have you ever claimed anything on insurance? (not counting health)? Some of these stories make you wonder if it is worth being truthful! Wonder what it is like deciding on whether a claim is approved or rejected? Do we have any such people here? Quote: A pensioner, whose false teeth fell out while he vomited over the side of a cruise ship, put in a claim to his travel insurers for new dentures under “lost baggageâ€. Two holidaymakers in Devon filed a claim for damage to the paintwork of their car after it was licked by a herd of cows. Two children in Cornwall buried t
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