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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. Cheeseman....you been holdin out on us? http://xtramsn.co.nz/travel/0,,8419-1315117,00.html
  2. OOOOOCCCHH!! Got a filling today. Injections %#*&@ hurt!!!
  3. Quote: Originally posted by dale#1: Beef/fat (50/50) on top of rice. A "national dish" seemingly according to the news. thanks........sounds gross
  4. will be receiving zip...which i am pretty dang happy about. By the way....anybody understand the fascination humans have with cheesy(not real cheese kinky-cheeseman) stuffed gorillas holding hearts?? I can't stand the damn things.
  5. Quote: Originally posted by d=(^o^)=b: Get the ball rolling now and in 5 years we could all be strapping in on some extreme Alaskan peak with the helicopter camera man at the ready. Oh, but I will be a grumpy(er) old bugger by then .... & on skis!! (Nah, never on skis when there is powder) Where do i sign up?? I'll be doing some avi training this season....can't wait!
  6. ummm....xcuse the ignorance....but what is it??
  7. go get your teeth cleaned at the dentist. just got mine done after ahhhemmm a really long time. I noticed a difference. Apparently some of the store bought whitening solutions can be damaging over time. Never tried'm tho.
  8. HELLLLOOO!! Because it's SICK!!!!! Just incase some peeps aren't quite sure what i'm getting at here.....If you eat other people then you are a freekin SICKO! ok? anybody disagree???
  9. It depends on how i feel at the time. If it's been a really hot day, or i feel really cold (toes feel like popsicles) then I'll have a shower or bath b4 bed. Otherwise I shower every morning and after working out. The night I've put nice crisp clean sheets on the bed....I always have a bath - that provides the ultimate sleep.
  10. Yeah you guys are so cute together.
  11. Now he's only been sentenced to 8yrs!!! WTF! Talk about setting a presidence! Don't they think that will just give the ok to other sickos?!
  12. Quote: Originally posted by Siren: An 'intern' is someone who causes the president to be impeached. For an application form click http://www.byrum.org/the.web.walker/tasteless/monica7.html Man, where do you get this stuff?!
  13. Nuthin wrong with sleepin in the car....you just gotta have the right technique... in some respects, it almost makes a day at the snow that much sweeter...ya feel like you've earnt it.
  14. Quote: Originally posted by its-a-clock: It's just bizarre to imagine that conditions like that can exist. The human mind is indeed bizarre don't you think. (And that friggin doctor is moving away in April, which is cool ) It's funny(he he eep!) how you bring up the doc in the same thread as cannibalism.....you are one sick puppy ain't ya.
  15. are you a closet greenpeace member db? (there's not many of those fish left)
  16. Quote: Originally posted by Fattwins: Thats why I cant be bothered with snowboarding at the moment too much to learn. it's funny how the more you learn the more you realise you have yet to learn. (i know - v random). I started learning how to board purely cause none of the peeps i ski with push me to get better....so started getting bored. Am looking forward some ski Park'n Pipe & Freestyle couses for this season tho! yay!
  17. I love it! I hear it has alot of caffeine in it tho? - may explain why i like it so much..
  18. Hey thanks snowhaus....i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw that pic (fr nat geographic website). It looks totally unreal....Patagonia has just jumped to #1 on the list.
  19. France would be great! - chance to brush up on the french and close to everything! Realisticly tho will be heading either down to Queenstown *fingas crossed* or back home to Calgary. - With a wee trip to japan in there too of course! As an aside anybody been to Patagonia? Beautiful huh?
  20. Hey congrats "daddy"! You are so lucky...now you get to go buy all those REALLY CUTE girlie clothes!!!
  21. And how bout that chicken flu?? OMG! Why are we suddenly getting alot more viruses jumping from animals to humans?? Dims??? (aka science guru )
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