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Everything posted by sweetaz

  1. ok...let's throw this one in the stew... dolphins are often favs because of their intelligence and personality (friendly etc) what about animal intelligence? should that play a factor?
  2. in my last job I had to go visit a slaughter/meat factory. they killed everything from pigs to cows. even standing in the carpark was a horrible experience.....the place just smelt like death . you are right db...where do we draw the line? i guess at least domestic animals we farm and to a certain extent control the population....wild animals on the other hand we really have no control over. we humans are such locusts
  3. Quote: Originally posted by NutteyCubey: So. What do accountants look like then, in your opinion?? flaccid, white, intelligent rugby players on the other hand look powerful, tanned, and dim please bear in mind i am unashamedly stereotyping here.
  4. I agree...a bit of "off" time is to be expected...hell - i'm a living example....BUT what really gets up my nose is peeps who take the time off during the day... and then MOAN...or SULK(I hate sulkers) on the odd occasion there is xtra work that needs doing... People that do that have no integrity.
  5. ok guys....here's another one for ya. This would be awesome after a hard day's ridin. a little more than 1/3 butterscotch schnappes a little more than 1/3 jagermeister a little less than 1/3 baileys
  6. was out with mates the other nite and had the tastiest shot eva.... 1/3 absolute citron 1/3 peach schappes 1/3 apple schappes one glazed cherry(stem intact) in the shot glass has a kick but pleasant favorites anybody??
  7. well...being canadian and all i don't really follow rugby...however, i thought i would have a look at the All Blacks vs Canada...you know cheer on the canadian team...moral support n'all. To my shock horror....i discovered my home team all look like bloody accountants!!! (apologies to all accountants out there - but accountants have no business playing prof rugby..just as rugby players have no business being accountants) ...how very very embarrassing One saving grace...they did better than tonga against the AB's
  8. have to say THANK YOU everybody for all the posting recommendations!!!! i get so sick of listening to the same crap. by the way ....live - bird or pray is great soulful music.
  9. i think we really do take political correctness to the extreme these days.... "hey it's ok to hate blacks that's your choice" or "Devil worshipping...i can respect that" What a load of rubbish. there is not enuff people who actually state their opinion these days. Unfortunately this tolerence for the crap our society produces in turn ends up fostering it.
  10. Canada - from there. US Germany Austria Switzerland Denmark Sweden Holland Norway England Belgium Spain France Philippines Honolulu(us) New Zealand Australia
  11. i think if i was being attacked i'd defend myself with the thought of buggering the attacker up to the point where they'd give up or couldn't continue. That way they'd have to face the consequences of their actions. In this scenario I don't think think it would be choice of kill or be killed...if you did end up killing someone in self defence it would more than likely be an accident. You wouldn't have the intent to kill them...just to stop them. If the scenario was kill or b killed.....instinct would prevail.
  12. hell ya! some mulled wine.... jaggermeister...warms you up for the night. That combined with a hot pool....a few dips in the snow and back in the hot pool and more meister...& good mates is a perfect combination oh...and some food in there too. few glasses of water b4 bed, a good stretch, and crisp air in the morn sorts out the hangover. oh....and shades.
  13. funny how it's always the ones you cant get up there at the start of the night....that you can never get off the stage at the end. White karaoke is great fun! mmm...not too keen on asian version....nice voices but dull dull dull!!! Quote: I think so - we meet up after work and she is always in school uniform. Siren...it's not nice to tease the boys like that
  14. perhaps i live a sheltered life...or just watched way too much love boat as a child...but i've always thought of cruises as a trip that you do when you're ...older. That is until very recently....I was in new caledonia and hopped on a water taxi with some of the tastiest men eva (all single/straight) ..I thought they were a sports team over for competition...but no....turns out they were on a cruise and had day stop over in noumea. lets just say my idea of cruises has changed significantly. (hums a little tune..."hmm...hmmm....exciting and new...hmm hmmm..come...hmmm hmmm"...)
  15. yeah me too sbf....i usually become aware i am dreaming when something weird is going on....then it's like..hey!this is too weird..i must be dreaming...then the control starts. i've found it hard to get myself out of certain places even if i do have control.....then there is the odd time when I wouldnt want to b anywhere else. he he db- out of body experience - that is very cool. closest i've come is being really pissed and feel like i'm floating round a spinning room. what do you guys think the key is to dreaming more? ....an u cheeky buggas neednt say sleep more often
  16. in this scenario i think you'd burn more by just running the whole time. an alternative could be walk for about 3km, then run for 5...this would extend the time you are exercising and thus burn more. or you could do interval training where you mix a slightly faster run with walking. Say 5mins run, 2mins walk. this will increase your cardio. If you do this it is still a good idea to have one xtra long slow run each week to increase your stamina.
  17. ....when i was younger, I quite often was fully aware i was dreaming when i was....this enabled me to pretty much control what happened in the dream. Unfortunately I could never get away from freddie or jason...on the odd occasions they would show up....i'd lose the plot and wake up. but during most of the my dreams it was amazing cause i could do cool stuff like fly....the only prob with that was i would also wake myself up by physically "flapping" my arms... i find i don't dream as much now as what i used to. don't know why....anybody??
  18. I have also just become aware of wiggling my feet to music...or well...just for the hell of it. The whole..."tick" thing makes me incredibly award of being....an "animal".... it also makes me think of crazy people rocking in a corner. are the little ticks...somehow....comforting??!!! verra disturbing...!!!
  19. yeah...rock on the white suit.....just don't forget to top it off with gold medallions and a gregarious amount of chest hair.
  20. hmmm....very interesting.....this would be whilst watching tv...remote in hand?? (i've noticed ... alot of guys do this..?!)
  21. when i first read the post name..i thought you were talking about a bit of afternoon delight. come to think of it that would get rid of the bordome...but would prob fit in the same category as sneaky disco.
  22. alrighty then.... i catch myself wiggling my jaw back and forth...making my upper and bottom back teeth quietly "clink" weird eh? I also find myself clenching my jaw...? how the hell did i develop this?? what is the purpose of it? - this little subconscious thing ok...cough it up.
  23. as i was sitting and chillin with a mate of mine i noticed this little farty noise coming from him.... as i was in close proximity and thought i may need to make a break for it...i asked ...what the hell was that!? it was then that he filled me in on his little sub-conscious habit of making the farty noise with his mouth when he is in deep thought. I've recently become conscious of my own little "ticks" and am wondering what others do....?
  24. yeah that guy off A Idol was a hottie.... why is it that guys seem notoriously bad for picking trannies?
  25. red wine, road rage, and dirty dancing
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