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Everything posted by I_HATE_CHEESE

  1. Quote: Originally posted by d=(^o^)=b: .... but db and spring do not go hand in hand. you are right there, spring snow is like sloppy seconds.......
  2. On a "infamous" note. "Admiral Yamamoto" is a household in the West,especially with the older generation. He is infamous but he is as well known as any Japanese person in history.
  3. Quote: Originally posted by woywoy: You have already got rejected by her but.....What to do? but.....no buts mate, you struck out,you cant stand on the plate and wait for another pitch, it is tough, however do you know how your mate has always felt about this girl?, maybe he digs her just as passionately if not more than you? His chance came up and he who hesitates..... It does suck for you but it wasnt your destiny, you fell off the wave, time to paddle back out and wait for another wave to come. Life is too short.
  4. Quote: Can you imagine a place where you board all day and still be in untracked powder?"[/b] [/QB] yep I can imagine, its called Hakuba and its more accessible than Hakkoda. I am sure Hakkoda is a sweet place, but its way up the top there, which is sweet for you local guys because alot of people like me cant be buggered going all the way up there when there is Nagano and Niigata a whole lot more accessible. It keeps your secret little spots up there mostly safe. I do suppose though yobbo US military guys are abundant up there though and are into that action, but most of the Kanto, Chubu
  5. Where would you prefer to go to school? *warning* dont watch this one at work
  6. Quote: Originally posted by peterson: When will this be out on dvd? to find this info the best web movie site is www.imdb.com on the left hand side of each movies home page there are menus, one is DVD details. THat will tell you.
  7. WTF!! do local motorists want their shiny wheels T-boned at intersections or what? there is 3 seconds between the change of a red light in one direction to the new green light in the corresponding direction. Yesterday I had a green light for 2 seconds and was moving foward when some MORON came flying through on a red light, turning right and cutting in front of me! this clown was a good 5 seconds into a red when he cut in front of me. RED means RED you wan**er, Damnit there are some selfish Fwits with around. I would dearly love to have a set of cheap disposable wheels, demolition derby st
  8. Back? they were never gone baby! (click fingers)......burn baby burn......
  9. is it really true that Sam and Frodo were gay?
  10. isnt "gentleman" code speak for gay these days?
  11. watched Akebono get his fat butt whipped. 500 pounds of chewed up bubblegum went thud on the canvas. what a WOFTAM that was.....
  12. Quote: Originally posted by RayInJapan: I wonder how many of these folks who are complaining use car seats for their children? If they're anything like here in Japan, they're putting their children in far more danger than Stevo did... exactly Ray exactly. while it wasnt the smartest thing to do, I bet alot of hypocrites around Australia and the world rolled their eyes and went tut tut while theirowns kids played on the road, rode unsecured in cars, played unsupervised around open water, ghost rided their BMXs etc etc
  13. Home is better no doubt. Schools have grass for starters to play on. There is less pressure on kids, more emphasis on global learning not insular learning and fewer whitewashed history textbooks
  14. Havent noticed any talk about this topic, anyone see it? it was a disgrace The overweight blundering ex -Yokozuna embarrassed and humiliated himself inside the first round (K1 v Bob Sapp). He lost a lot of the respect that he had built up as a sumo star all for $US 3million dollars. Hope it was worth it. The whole card was atrocious, a slur on real K1 fighting. I have had enough of K1 it sucks
  15. Quote: Originally posted by AIKO: What is Markie? Careful AIKO Markie is a tiger who cant resist beautiful Japanese woman, he will seduce you now that he knows there a new lady on deck
  16. Quote: some of the worst indigenous pop music on the planet got that right, add worst indigenous TV content to that list Saving Grace sushi snow reliable trains clean streets mostly safe
  17. Toque Took? whatever they are beanies where I come from, in fact when I was a wee fella we called them "woolly hats". A spade is manually operated excavatory device by another name. Just like a beanie is a toque.
  18. Nah none of those thin measly crunchy strips you get in Nth America, you cant compare to slabs of juicy bacon! slabs! not strips! more bang for your buck!
  19. I heard that Tom finally became a real actor in this movie and played the character part well rather than it being Tom Cruise acting another part. I never rated him because he always was Tom Cruise and never the character. So we will see
  20. Are there any hotties in Walled Lake badmig? or are they all heiffers?
  21. Swing looooooooow sweeet chariot!!!!!!!not long now to kick off!
  22. Quote: Originally posted by miteyak: Or they're crap in bed... touche....or they havent bagged a vixen like Miko Lee or Fujiko Kano
  23. Quote: Originally posted by rajeem: Why? In your world is smoking dope "the norm"? To try it even if just once is quite normal, its omnipresent around the world and like trying cigarettes. alcohol, sex for the first time. I am sure that if you had a poll "who is a virgin" and there were some here, people would be likely surprised. I guess there a some sheltered people, who went through University in a bubble or some people of a different grain and of purer morales than others. Whatever stick to your guns if you never tried and dont want to, thats your perogative.
  24. It is really mindboggling how stupid some cyclist are in this country (obaasans to High school girls) riding at night, without lights no helmet, dark clothing along narrow unlit roads. It defies logic!!! stupid is the only word to describe it
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