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Roger's head

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Everything posted by Roger's head

  1. Congratulations, that sounds good. Thought it would make a good poll http://www.snowjapanforums.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/8/6559.html?
  2. That other thread brought up an interesting point - what type of work contract you doing? full time permanent position limited contracts (more than 1 year) annual contract that needs to be renewed self employed part time unemployed ski bum I have to keep on doing annual renewals which is getting to be annoying. I need to find something either here or back in my home country that is a bit more settled at least for a few years
  3. Santa bought me that too. Good book. Some great previously unseen photos. Now I'll have to start reading the original books. (Been saying that for about 10 years now).
  4. Pans Labyrinth - interesting and strange. Not usually into that kind of movie but. Also saw "Roswell" on tv last night which was very average especially considering the subject matter which is very interesting.
  5. I don't think it was the orange juice egglesby. I've had a bad hangover but nothing like those! I'm usually asleep before I can get too much in me.
  6. Hi there It's a bit wide that, James - which region are you planning on visiting?
  7. I have started working for a tourist company - not full time employee but doing things for them. Recently it has been a lot of things - way too much if you ask me. Negotiations are going to start in January for a bit of a reappraisal! Glad to say that come January things should also be less hectic.
  8. Invisible skateboard? I got some chocolate and that's about it. I was working too. But the crazy busy period is over and I'm looking forward to enjoying the new snow we are going to get. (Right?)
  9. Sounds like the big snow is due tonight and tomorrow. COME ON!!!
  10. I've met Mr Useless taxi driver myself. He took me on a ride (in both meanings). Double the time/distance/cost that it should have been. I flatly refused to pay that double cost. He said that it was not his mistake that he went 5km more than he should have on a roundabout route. It's a good job I knew the route he should have taken. I bet they rip a lot of people off like that.
  11. Merry Christmas. I just feel silly saying it.
  12. I watched Green Mile last night. I really liked it - quite slow paced but then again the time slipped by quickly. I still prefer the other Darabont directed Shawshank though, excellent movie.
  13. Quote: I wear out mice pretty quickly so as an alternative Me too. They don't seem to last that long. Mine at the moment is playing up. At times it becomes unresponsive and my pc tells me about it being disconnected, then 5 seconds later it goes good again. Very annoying.
  14. Thanks that makes sense. They do look nice though. Next time I'm in Bristol I will have to check out the mice there.
  15. Anyone use a mouse like this? What's it like?
  16. I've been doing about 4-5km a night recently, been very busy with work and it helped clear things a lot. I actually quite enjoyed it. (Shock!)
  17. Well the worst of it is over. Phew. I'm exhausted and still playing some catchup but feel more in control. I did a lot of jogging in the evenings it helped clear my head a lot.
  18. Thanks yes one at a time. Problem is multiple people waiting for things so I feel I need to update them all. Just feel like I'm drowning in deadlines and not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.
  19. Anyone else go through periods when you feel overworked and there's just no end of things to do. I'm in one of those right now. Too many things to do, I'm doing none of them I feel at 100% and forgetting some and letting a few people down in the process. What do you do to cope with a situation like this?
  20. It's going to take a few days to look through all this. From what I've seen though looks sweet. Well done indeed.
  21. Not really, though had a bit of a heated with my dad this time about some nonsense. Why are most arguments over the most stupid things.
  22. Pub catering - 23% I remember when pubs where all about drinking. Hard to find one now that doesn't do "all day food".
  23. Under a Blood Red Sky by U2. A really blast from way back. I used to love that album still sounds good.
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