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Everything posted by mikazooki

  1. got 15 mins spare? think religion is bunk? well you don't want to be left behind!! backup link bottom story - plays in real player
  2. an accurate reflection on my own thoughts, db. however, this must remain secret, as the official party line is still, "hate it, could never live here." any softening on this stance could lead to disasterous consequences! plus my mind could be slightly biased as snow season appraoches.
  3. some kind fellow also established a link to this site in the helly hansen dvd thread but i see 2.0 is available in its entirity.
  4. well, that's not a secret anymore. i guess most guys with big ones, aren't ashamed of sharing the fact.
  5. if only more people would take the red pill, sigh,
  6. oh, things we have to keep a secret?... i don't feel guilty about that!
  7. nice challenge dims, i'm having a fruit salad for dinner tonight. a plug for the enviro side... u don't have to become vego. cutting down on your meat consumption will have a great positive effect on food production issues. for your educational enjoyment: world eats lots of meat stop factory farms
  8. and although all the facts were not given in the above case, no mention was made of the great and ubiquitous fist-maker, alcohol. remove alcohol from many situations, and the opportunity for the use of humility, charm and intelligence increases muliti-fold.
  9. awright, i'll set this straight... i knew a hyoooge guy (100kg region) in scotland, quite softly spoken in private, but a scarred face and fists, and up on his second assualt charge. had some affiliation with selling illicit substances. and a wee little fella in perth, pretty stocky, known round the burbs for his toughness, and fought each and every weekend and more often won. so u see fist magnets come in all shapes and sizes. case proven. anyone wishing to disagree, can meet me out near the bike racks.
  10. cough, (blood), thats the spirit, splutter (blood) i have no opinion, but now the fight is on...i'm on his side. i'm on his side
  11. a forum (or a poll) doesn't really do justice to a debate like this. this kind of issue really should be settled by fighting.
  12. au contraire, my scousing buddy, i find the fact that no-one made an evening reply, a clear sign that evil is alive and well. a nice welcome indeed.
  13. dolphins are my favourite. i would rather be a dolphin than a me, so seeing this makes me sad.
  14. ok, i'll provide a more realistic sitch: its a stinking hot day in the middle of a japan summer. u sit down under the shade of some powerlines completely drained by the humidity. then out of the corner of your eye u spot a beer vendy. u empty your pockets, and - shraa laah - 350yen! what was a moment of torture now turns to be a moment of pleasure as your beer goes clunk in the bottom of the machine. but as u bend your weary body over to grab the beer, some frucknoddle swipes by and beats u to it. unfortunately for him he drops his sidearm whilst executing his pilfering manouvre. no
  15. ok, here's the word, but keep it quiet cos otherwise things will get messy. life is it yeah, u get one go. if someone knocks u off, that represents a loss. whereas if u top some other geezer, because u only have one life to lose, u are already in front. not everyone can kill someone, but everyone can be killed. right? sound logic, yes? so all u gotta do to ensure your spot in the winners circle is find some random punter and rub him out. glory is yours for eternity. one of the winning few. but remember, this is not the kind of thing u should be spreading around, u follow? if everyone works it
  16. perhaps the selling point is, that u can buy a car to match the colour of your umbrella
  17. ha, ha! ask and ye shall receive answers. the secret to dreaming more comes from self imposed dream suppression. when i first started working i was disconcerted to discover that u are expected to get up every day at some abhorrent time in the a.m. needless to say i found this quite difficult. so in order to bring my slumber time forwards a tad, i partook in a bit of sleeper action. jolly effective, especially if u take a couple, but u suppress all your dreams...in fact u wake up just after u take 'em. now this is not a sustainable situation, as u would all be a
  18. just struck me as strange this morn...as i opened my eyes to view my motionless arm attached to my motionless body, and thought, well, i guess its movement time, got up and been moving pretty much non stop ever since.
  19. sleep is a funny thing, isn't it?
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