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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by MistaSparkle

  1. Kamoshika - That's awesome... how did you get hooked up being an extra??
  2. I'm the 17th. Gonna be spending mine in humid rainy Tokyo.
  3. Happy birthday... mines next week too. Mogski what day is your b-day?? btw- I'm pretty sure that in Japan, men are not supposed to be excited about their birthday or throw parties. I think all the fun and excitement is reserved for women...
  4. Typically American... Never take responsibility for your own behavior. It's always someone else's fault.
  5. I had a little run in with the fuzz this weekend. I was riding my bicylcle with a friend standing on pegs on the back of the bike. We rode past a koban, and then she got off, and I started to lock up my bike. This little police guy came marching over all red in the face barking "Abunai! dame!" He continued to carry on about how 2 people on a bike is dangerous, then looked at my bike and started scribbling something down on a pad. In the midddle of his absurd tirade, I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. The police are completely pointless here.
  6. I don't think the majority of america is forward thinking enough to look past gender. Plus... Hillary Clinton has alot of haters. I don't know much about her political stances, but when she ran for senate in New York, there were so many people that held sentiments like "anybody but Hillary Clinton."
  7. In the states, it's ok to say black depending on how you use it. For example if you were to call someone a black dude/man or a black chick/woman, it's usually fine, but referring to someone as "a black" is offensive. "African-American" is a bit over-PC if you ask me, but "negro" is definitely NOT a word that should be used to describe someone. It really depends on the person, but there are alot of seemingly harmless words that could also be offensive, like "bro" or "sister."
  8. no. They're original, edgy, and groundbreaking.
  9. danz... you're nuts... girl in the middle of both pics is the best! smokin!
  10. Keanu Reeves gives £50 million to the Matrix F/X team
  11. note to self: Don't go into caves on beaches in Japan. *getting the chills just thinking about it*
  12. akibun, noone thinks you're stupid or is trying to cause trouble. I think it's just normal that if a person is asked every year to pay a significant amount of money, they should know where that money is going. If noone ever asked, how do you know that money isn't going to the local yakuza, or making someone very rich?
  13. I never liked the land of the lost coz that chaka dude always freaked me out...
  14. If you really want something to get upset about, have a look at this gem about Bush that's been making the blog rounds (Worth the read): Bush\'s Resume
  15. found this on a blog someplace: Japanese t.a.t.u. clone There's no mistaking they're a tatu clone when their 1st single is a cover of a tatu song. ...but like everything else, Japan has the wonderful ability to copy something and make it better. Those chicks are cute!
  16. I think that cool-headedness has got something to do with Japanese culture's roots in buddhism.
  17. Okay... if those last few didn't strain your eyes, give you a headache, or make you sick... here's one to finish the job (Flash Player Reqd.): http://www.mantasoft.co.uk/_stuff/Recursive.htm
  18. bm - I think you steered clear of offending anyone by not agreeing or disagreeing, but I think your suggestion hit the nail on the head. Organized religions are in one way or another, cults. *runs and hides...*
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