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Everything posted by neversummer

  1. The japanese prints are good on walls behind a glass frame.
  2. just read 'five quarters of an orange-joanne harris' which was really good. quite a different writing style but very interesting all the same. Now i onto 'picture maker-penina spinka' and this, although not the light reading your after, inuits and viking 14th century story, it will last you a decent period of time whilst travelling.
  3. There is a really good international wine shop in Shinjuku called Yamaya. Go out the south entrance and turn right. walk along Koshi-Kaido for about 1km and its on the right. lots of french reds of course, german whites, some good, by japaneses standard, aust and nz wines. Thety also have heaps of cheap european brand foods ie. pasta, biscuits, cheeses (for you cheesman) and all the party foods you may need.
  4. Guys/girls.. i dont think peaker is going over the top. sure this is unfortunate but most africa, south america and central asia dont have any of the amenities that were disrupted in Nth america. There are much more pressing issues at hand in the world. its a power blackout. im sure some people were badly affected but for many it should be an exercise to learn from. unexpected things happen all the time, maybe not on this scale, but there have been earthquakes in japan recently where people dont have houses etc. things arent all that bad.
  5. HAHA! Go the Boags or Cascade for Aussie beer. XXXX and VB..nasty
  6. talking about pongs..does anybody live near a ramen shop where they boil the bones for like days on end, the wind pushing the smell in all directions? It is in my experience the worst smell ever. I walk home with my girlfriend every night and we have to pass this same shop. it f***ing stinks but it is always packed, even at 12.30am
  7. germany is the same as the rest of europe. no AC on the train, trams, in buildings..it sucked this summer when you had to be inside. outside was a different thing. people getting their kits off left, right and centre.
  8. seinfeld..the best sitcom ever. it was sad to see it go!
  9. I totally forgot about the separation rule when i got back and was just piling things into 1 bag and my rubbish was returned.. they know which gaijin did it for sure..
  10. Just curious about the demographics.. Meidaimae for me.
  11. in april this year whilst flying from Melbourne to singapore this russian guy decided to have a heart attack over alice springs. lets turn the plane around and take him back to adelaide where we had to wait for almost an hour before someone could come and speak russian to him.back on track 5 and a half hours later, everyone missed their connections to wherever and qantas put us up in a hotel for the night. even better was that they then flew me to frankfurt and paid for my ICE train to cologne because mine was invalid.nice one qantas, nice one
  12. i just had a nightmare flight/missed flight/flight from germany to japan. original flight scheduled to london from frankfurt but missed that flight due to freak storm, major traffic chaos etc. 1 and a half hour car trip took 4 hours and i missed my plane by 30 mins 120 euro later, got a flight to vienna then onto tokyo, missing my london connection in the process. OK all the same as i still got here. left my house at 5am, flight at 6.50..wouldnt want to miss it again so got there 1hr20m early. 1hr 30m flight to vienna with a 7hr wait for the next flight. 12 hours to narita a
  13. does anybody else lock their bags? I do but i was told that in the US and any flight going to or coming, from you must leave your bags unlocked for security purposes. ive never had anything go missing but you have to wonder what goes on.
  14. ive made it back to tokyo and although its not perfect the sun is out and shining, its not to humid and im looking forward to the next two months... ...then bring on the cold snap and let it snow baby snow!!
  15. Confessions of a Dangerous mind. the autobiography of Chuck Barris.he's some famous US talk show host/game show host guy who was really a CIA agent travelling the world killing people in the US best interest. interesting read
  16. im hoping that nothing happens to my bags..i already missed my flight to london last night but luckily got another to vienna to meet my original flight
  17. ill be back in tokyo in 13 hours..cant wait even if the rainy season is still hanging around.
  18. the www.johnpilger.com site is really good for issues that are being mentioned. Kosovo, Afghan, Iraq are all mentioned. This guy has discredited so many arguements by the 'coalition of the willing' himself because he is western journalist whose built trust amongst people in those parts of the world. the people he gets to speak in his documentries and quotes in his books and website are highly qualified on topics he's interested it. former Gererals of the first Gulf War, UN weapons inspectors, renowned politicians etc..he gives a no nonsense view of the issues at hand..all cited so
  19. too true Mr. Matthews! After living 40 mins from the Dutch border, 1/8 of widow kills a party though..
  20. db, the US have just bought the Puckapunyal military base in central victoria to be used by their troops. rumour has it that the Oz govt sold it for...$1...because it was under plague conditions from mice.
  21. evil or not, how many innocent lives have the coalition taken to get these two?? include the war in afghanistan also and and the future carnige from all the unexploded bombs and you have a lot of people and no one to bring before a judge. they are part of the picture but not the prize..as with most of the unfortunate events that lead to war, the dictator/evil person/whatever you call them , is never captured. as for the safe haven point, maybe they didnt take it up but there have been many sth american war lords/dictators who have taken refuge in the US on the backs of the CIA nd FBI
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