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Everything posted by nekobi

  1. i never had parsimmons (sp?) til i can to japan. now i love em. my fav fruit is having peaches and whipped cream on a hot summer day by the beach...mmmm
  2. i usually like the food at enkais, and i have a generally a good time (except when they make me sing country roads a cappella). my coworkers break out of their shells and actually speak a little english with me, and i tend to get a lot of japanese practice in. what i absolutely hate though is uncomfortable comments like- do you have a boyfriend in america? in japan? what do you think about japanese men? oh you are a pretty girl, so beautiful. and why does the PE teacher always think he can get some action. ewwwwww.
  3. mmm... had some today. there was a point last year when i became obsessed-- one week i had it 5 times! everything's great- just stay away from the natto ones.
  4. yeah sorry for the confusion-- got the first report of icy conditions at about 9:30 this moring but then great pow news around 2:30. so... if you are heading up to noz, give a shout out to me or zwelgy.
  5. ok, just kidding. got another report from zwelgy and she said great pow today at noz and that danz would like it.
  6. the snow thats falling actually doesnt look that good. zwelgen sent me a report from the slopes and said it's icy underneath.
  7. nozawa as usual this weekend. it's snowing up here in naggers.
  8. i could think of plenty of words to describe this girl and legend certainly isnt one of them.
  9. ok folks, just spoke to ms zwelgy and she's rather keen to do this. even has snowpants that can unzip off so don't have to worry about the pre-post boot dilemma (why she owns those though i don't know). can't be a noz bc that's our home turf and she's already got a season pass. so hakuba? somewhere else? it'll have to wait til march though, but that allows plenty of time for everyone to plan their trips to see this show. and from the onsens i can say it will be quite a show- ohlala!! maybe we should charge a chuhi (or 2) to watch...
  10. i went to one in matsumoto on january 18th- it coincided with marches in the US. there were about 50 people walking thru the streets and we had a megaphone (or bullhorn or whatever it's called) to say things. but most people spoke in japanese, so i don't know what was said.
  11. badmigraine-- i'm terrified too. what's happening with the US?? the trouble all started with the messed up election. thats a big reason why i'm over here rather than in the US. i know it's bad to just run away, but what can you do when your vote doesnt even count?
  12. i actually like that whipped peanut cream. it's definitely not the same foodstuff as peterpan peanut butter, but good in its own way.
  13. it seems like it would be easier just to borrow some snowpants. but if that strangely can't be done, then the jeans-tape thing is way cool bc of its resourcefulness.
  14. probably, if i had a partner in crime to eat them with.
  15. i just want to play around and make vids, shoot spring riding in the park.
  16. so i'm going to buy a digital video camera at the end of the month, and i need something firewire compatible bc i've got an ibook. any suggestions?
  17. yeah those announcements are annoying, but i have to admit to using it once. was supposed to meet a friend at the bottom of a short run. after an hour and checking the run a couple of times, i couldn't find him. had no idea what happened and since he spoke no japanese, i was a little worried. so i had to make an announcement. in english. using my name. very embarassing, but needed.
  18. db- i think you are right that global powers rise and fall, everything in cycles, etc and that yes, America will no longer be the superower. but i just want to point out that the US hasnt been in the front for a couple hundred years. the US was busy expanding, fighting a civil war, and was pretty isolationist until the 20th century. after WWII is when the US got so powerful, so the reign hasn't been that long. but it seems like with the speed of information and the technology of warfare today, the turnover of global powers will be much faster than before.
  19. and i forgot to say that i get a good workout every weekend too. so yeah, it's all worth it.
  20. indosnm- you're right. this year, a new board, boots, bindings, mittens, and a season pass put a big dent in my wallet. but now every weekend is pretty cheap since i just spend money on food, chu-his, and onsens.
  21. rach-- foxnews is a conservative news channel so what you hear from there is going to be slanted to the right. on the other hand, you can listen to the liberal media and get the impression that no one in America is in favor of war with iraq. Since there are so many diverse opinions in the us, i think it's too difficult to get a grip on what the majority thinks.
  22. i think that jar was glued shut. it wouldn't bulge at all when i tried, and i am super-ripped... ahhh, yeah, right.
  23. i just working on my friends' cds at the mo. i havent sorted out any p2p stuff yet. any suggestions?
  24. i think it's kinda funny when little kids stare and point at you. i always wonder what they are saying/thinking. is it like- hey look at that weirdo, or cool it's someone different. i feel like now i stare at gaijin i don't know. it's really strange to go to tokyo and see so many (well compared to nagano).
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