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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sunrise

  1. What are they? Never heard of them in Tokyo...
  2. I saw on some news that it was 4.30. I was walking by a loud busy street at the time..... probably thought any shaking was just from some big vehicle passing close by.......
  3. what time was that? I didn't feel anything. Hmmm, maybe while we were in akihabara - you get so overloaded with noise and lighting you tend not to notice anything else.....
  4. One more night and then I have 8 days off. Unexpected, and extremely unusual for this time of the year, but perfect timing cos some good friends I haven't seen in ages arrive in Tokyo on Monday for a week.
  5. Good to know, ILiveToSki, thanks. Hey, crazyski, the new technicas could be really great for you. Unfortunately Technicas are too roomy for my feet. I was trying to get a pair last season, but my feet were swimming in them.
  6. Oh god, not boots again! I don't want to be thinking about boots... at least you guys have given some tips to check out, thanks. I wonder if I can find anything that will fit me properly this year? I will try Salomons first, cos I know someone working for Adidas/Salomon and can probably get a decent discount.... Might even be able to get a ladies boot my size....
  7. Mr Matthews, you were pregnant? Why aren't you a celebrity?
  8. the court system in Japan is a kangaroo court and 3rd world. I hope they can put enough governmental pressure on it to open another hearing, but that would probably be a first so who knows if such a thing is possible here.
  9. Contact the Japan Helpline, and ask for advice on counselling for Japanese women in that kind of situation. I'm sure they'll know of somewhere. The people running that site are really good people. http://www.jhelp.com/
  10. They've been spreading like cancer all over Tokyo for awhile now... I don't drink coffee, but very occasionally I'm tempted to get one of the lethal chocolate brownies there, that some friends of mine make (I think they make the pita bread in Starbucks, too).
  11. Sounds like if you go there you'll have ideal conditions to get away. Last time I was there it seems that all my friends, and even taxi drivers I spoke with all have a second house in the south of France which they frequently travel to for the good weather and cheaper prices and good food.
  12. I love England and seriously thought of moving there at one point but realised I'm just too Australian used to lots of sunny weather. I know other people who love it when it's dull overcast and cold all the time.... but I need my sunny days interspersed. Mind you, this last summer would have been a good one.... If you go you'll probably love it.
  13. Glad you like 'em Echi. Slow - lotuses - still having fun working on them. I've been going to the pond in Ueno park to paint quite regularly the past few weeks. The season is late due to the cool summer. Buds are still coming up, they're normally finished flowering by now. Actually, it's my escape from Tokyo - I feel like I'm in not in the city when I'm there. Lovely and peaceful.
  14. Hi rach, I havent done a full blown performance with band for quite awhile, though last year I had been doing duos and trios in a hotel which let me do all my own stuff and that was lot of fun. I usually did those with a friend who plays assorted saxes/flutes/didjeridoo and/or a percussionist. At the moment I throw in a bunch of originals in a duo restaurant gig that I do, but that's not really what I'd call a 'performance' as such. I'm thinking of getting a little unit together again and doing the odd pub gig, or even doing some solo things. And of course I'll want to do a CD release conc
  15. They sure look alike. Imagine going thru your life with an identical twin who looked just like you. Nice snow pics.
  16. Yowch - not nice to get malaria, even worse in another country...! Unfortunatley mosquitos love me. Fortunately I've never gotten malaria, or the dreaded dengy fever.
  17. and this man is now working in the financial industry....! You learned quick!
  18. Yeh, they're pretty damn severe with their pruning here. That happened to me in a place I used to live, it was devastating. But the interesting thing is that they do usually come back quite strongly the following year. Not that's that any consolation of course.
  19. Thanks for listening, folks. It's certainly not everyone's cup of tea, that's for sure.... Barok - I agree, you have to love what you're doing... what kind of promotions where you doing? It must be tough doing that kinda thing. You must have to totally believe in and love the artists you're working for. I have to admit I do tend to stay away from the bizz of things to a certain degree, but mainly because it's not my forte. I wish it was cos now I'm going to have to get more involved so having a good head for business/promotions would sure be helpful. I could defiintely use
  20. Hi ender, It's not released yet. I might start selling some 'special edition pre-mastered mixes' on CDR in the meantime..... Did anyone else manage to listen with no probs? I was mistaken about the streaming - you can download them also.
  21. Oh yeh, and the update in case anyone's interested.... I'm finally able to get a decent nites sleep at home again. I'm still going to move - It's not just because of what happened. I'm just too far away from everything, and I badly need a bit more space or at least better set out for my needs. The real estate people are going to put bolts on my balcony doors and a bolt or chain on the front door. It think it's more important that they put a gate where the small exit to the street is, (just near my front door) as that would be more of a deterrent. It wouldn't need to stop anyone, bu
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