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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by @tokyo

  1. Well they were lucky that they COULD open. The vast majority of places COULD NOT open. I was out with my friends last nigh and we were all talking about boarding. There were about 10 Japanese people there, and 4 of us gaijin. The Japanese weren't as well informed as us it seems (!), and they basically didn't know about Hakuba 47. Hakuba 47 opened because they could and it has probably paid off for them. But to say that their "reputation has skyrocketed" etc is going a bit far. Maybe for people on here, but for the general public? Nah..
  2. Well it's in Japan for a start. Then theres the music on the slopes that we all love, the bunnies, the consumption of alcohol, the official lunchtime and so much more.
  3. Got a bad cut on my head 2 years ago - trying to over-step myself with the tricks. Thats why I wear a helmet for the most part now
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