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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by AET

  1. Does chocolate count? My parent send to me 4 big blocks of Cadburys Dairy Milk for my birthday. YUM
  2. Bummer, one of the teachers at our school had their car broken into too recently. Seems it is becoming more common.
  3. I had a bad cold/flu for a couple of weeks over winter, and I lost about 3kg in that period because I wasn't eating much. Bargain!
  4. Fairly fair, but I should be better considering all the free time I have.
  5. Markie, er how do I put this - does your current girlfriend know "her position", if you know what I mean?
  6. ?? They cost a fair bit, just wondering how many games you got?
  7. No wonder then is it, really.
  8. I usually leave around 5:30, I'm under contract until 5pm. Not that I'm desperate too but I am sure going much earlier would not be seen in the best of light here - but no complaints.
  9. It seems gangs of student blokes living together in a house = gross. Who is the grossest is a different matter. We might have been near the top. Slugs, mice, food over 12 months old, junk food all the way - it really was disgusting. But such memories, ne?!
  10. I haven't been to the board park there either, but the resort is ok. Nothing amazing. It's best to go up a bit further to Karuga, I reckon.
  11. It won an Oscar, you know. Has anyone seen it (either the original Japanese version or E version). It looks well wierd.
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