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Everything posted by Thunderbird2

  1. What do you think? Seems so generally, though I see Niseko was getting more snow.
  2. Quote: We hiked MaeYama but the snow was crap. Kumapix was it really spring like crap?
  3. Is Harada being branded "poor Harada" or "stoopid git" Harada by the media?
  4. Wheres the pic?! I want to see it. It sounds truly awful.
  5. But does it have to be his own real hair gamera? Are extensions allowed?
  6. Oh yes, definitely...... > Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small favors, I guess. This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet, is buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of Justi
  7. Well, only partly. You see, I want to go out on the slopes and I'm not into blizzard like conditions. It seems like it's never going to stop!
  8. Strawberries! Excellent, I'd love that. Are you new there then Dorikin?
  9. Yeah I think he's a really great guy. Totally misunderstood. Someone's setting him up.
  10. A friend of mine is moving to about 20km away from this resort - seems quite popular as a place for Tokyo people to go for the day. Anyone been?
  11. Oh, to be a DJ. My breakfast is usually a bit rushed and very simple. Toast coffee. I look forward to those relaxed weekend ones.
  12. OK this is NOT a bashing thread, K? Not meant to be anyway. Bit of fun. It isn't just a Japn thing, but there are some specific situations here. I'm just a bit sad that someone I thought was a real friend turned out to be pretty much one of those "practising English" friends. So, for a bit of fun, let's listing some common types of friend you get here. Apart from the genuine, real friend of course. 1 The "I am your friend because I can practice my English" friend; 2 The "It's cool to have a foreign friend" friend. More?
  13. I used to have a few back when I was younger. Not had one for a long time. They are truly terrible things - it used to really annoy me when people thought they were simply quite a bad headache.
  14. Anyone bought any new gear they want to brag about? I'm thinking of upgrading just mulling over the options right now. I'd be interested to hear what others have gone for.
  15. As much as my time and budget will take me. I'm hoping to get a full week in, as well as quite a few weekends.
  16. Just finished the latest John Grisham, The Last Juror. May not be the poshest thing to read, but I always whiz through his books and quite enjoy them.
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