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Everything posted by TheOrange

  1. I did a charity jump at college. I'm glad I did it (looking back) - but never again, it's definitely not for me!
  2. OK, anyone in the know help me out here? I've just done my 5-6km jogging without stopping, and stop just before I get back to my house. On stopping, the ends of my fingers start to tingle (thats the best word I can think of to describe the sensation) for a few seconds. So what's that then?
  3. Hey, I didn't notice this before - sorry, hope you've not gone yet. How long are you staying? And apart from "the usual" Hiroshima tourist spots, what sort of thing you interested in then? (I'm good at recommending some interesting concrete jogging courses!)
  4. Running towards oncoming traffic just seems a bit stange for me, so I just keep to the left most of the time when I'm out there.
  5. Another week has gone and just about getting back into the routine, and enjoying the new shoes too.
  6. It was on the tv last night too - looks great. I want one!
  7. Where abouts in Scotland are you Weegeoff?
  8. When I were back home just before, I had a hell of a party and got seriously pissed. I didnt feel right for about 4 days. I wouldn't mind, it wasn't the most I had ever drunk in one go, but it was quite a lot (beer, wine, spirits, champagne all at some time during the evening). When I think about it I can still feel that hangover I'm off the alcohol right now
  9. I seem to get bitten quite a bit when they're around, hate those things.
  10. Nice trip back home, yes thank you. People noticed the weight loss yes. I probably put on a few kg, but hope to get back to that jogging in the next few days. Got some nice new shoes too, looking forward to trying them out.
  11. What cracks me up is some people here telling me I should eat more (coz I've lost weight since last year). They seem to forget I was a bit overweight last year!
  12. Thanks. Everyone home notices I've lost a lot - feels good
  13. What was he going on about yesterday? I don't seem to be able to find anything on that, but he was talking about gaikokujin or something....
  14. About 8.5kg. Right now it seems to be real difficult to take off any more however hard I try. But I have become a good runner and look so much better for it. Yippee! Off back home tomorrow. Have a good summer folks and see you in Sep.
  15. "At peace with nature" or something like that.
  16. One of my friends had their suitcase lost for 1 full week once on a flight into New York. He got it back eventually, but major hassle. I think they offered him a free flight or something as compensation.
  17. I like it back home, but not here. Just too uncomfortable. But it will be interesting to see just how the August weather here in Japan will turn out, hey?
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