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Everything posted by TheOrange

  1. Anyone help with this one? OK. Case 1: Jog 6km without stopping. Case 2: Jog 3km, stop and walk slowly for about 500m, jog 3km more. I know it probably won't make that much difference, but which of those will use the most calories?? I was wondering if stopping and then starting again was effective at all. Cheers!
  2. Whats it like then? Can you "feel the speed" so to speak?
  3. I watched the Fulham Manu game last night in a sports bar. What was up with Man u then - they were c-r-a-p. Good on Inamoto for getting a goal, good one too.
  4. I'm off to a Halloween party tonight. Got me Shatner mask too.
  5. I'm with ya. We'll have to get a pic contest going. Maybe Snowjapan can donate some lift tickets for the winners. (Maybe some season passes and new gear would be a good prize).
  6. Calmed down a bit since then have you?
  7. Hey! I'm sure there was quite a lot of that talk this time last year....take a look back. (Sorry no time to do it myself now...)
  8. No, no, no, no... NO. Please no. Stop it.
  9. Chocolate and fried potatoes every now and again. (I'm on a diet if you didn't know).
  10. Well I didn't know that. Some new vocab for the day. Thanks.
  11. Just finished The Shipping News and thought it was ok. Next stop, Bill Clinton: An American Journey. Can't wait.
  12. Funny you should say that - I had a similar experience last weekend. The restaurant said it was closing early coz it had run out of food ?! including the rice. I just think they didn't like the look of us.
  13. Crap here too, waste of time and bad bad weather for me. Hopefully next weekend will be better, I'm taking Monday off so fingers crossed.
  14. Settling in to about 3 or 4 times a week now, nothing mad but keeping it up. That knee still bothers me a bit at times which I'm not too happy about
  15. That is unfortunate. Honda will be pleased though, if Sato stands in.
  16. I have a PC running Windows and it has crashed just once in about a year.
  17. Quote: Get some tomato sauce on there a bit of imagination and its just as good as a pie. You have got to be kidding. Either that or you have seriously never eaten a good pie!
  18. We wait with baited breath Thanks for that second lot, even if some don't like the answers put forward, obviously put some effort into it. Anyways, I also was wondering about the nighta and if any effort is put into. How long is the season for DECENT nighta? You know, with good snow not where its like a skating rink. (Honest answer please, not marketing talk!)
  19. The reasonable amongst us know what the deal is and can see through any anger
  20. That must be mind-numbing. How about being a shop assistant in one of those dark, desolate and dirty looking shops that you get in run-down town centers - you know the ones that that sell ceramics and pots and pans, the shops that no-one ever goes into anymore. Now that must be depressing.
  21. Quote: Whenever you hit the "Enter" key, it goes BEEEEEP! What, and yours doesn't??
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