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Everything posted by TheOrange

  1. I've never had one. Are they good? (perhaps a question to our Scottish friends)
  2. TRace ON. Bit rubbish that. That movie has dated something bad. It'll be fun to see how they do the new one.
  3. Wow thats some totals you have racked up there! I'm in the States now and have been noticing feeling a bit heavier. Not had that much beer though. Another week for me. Hope Japan isn't too hot
  4. I wouldn't have guessed it was Japan! Nice photos, thanks/.
  5. Please with progess the last 6 or 7 weeks. I don't know how many kg I've dropped but a fair few.... feeling much leaner and looking it as well which pleases me. Must not get too carried away over summer!
  6. Well nearly time to have my summer hols. Quite pleased with my slimming down. Never going to be a stick but I'm feeling ready to get back to eating and drinking yummy stuff. See you after summer!
  7. Sorry to hear that Mamabear. But, with the new lifestyle, sounds like fun. I've had a few good weeks. I don't actually get on scales to weigh myself I just go by how I look and feel. The last few weeks I have definitely slimmed down (round the waist and face) so I'm encouraged to do another few weeks.
  8. Wow that is some going Rob. Love the 'looking down but up post for the 2nd photo'. Are you really wanting to pig out every now and again or stable at where you are now? Good going.
  9. Nothing to get troubled about in my case - I simply want to lose the bit of a belly I have grown the last few months before summer, when I will proceed to eat lots of yummy stuff. Simple as!
  10. Originally Posted By: Creek Boy Orange, Ganbaruing for one more month and then back to your regular diet will only lead to you gaining more weight, or at least putting back on what you already had so its not really going to do much good. Maybe an overall change in your eating habits/workouts will lead to better results. I am totally aware of that. This is a short term thing ------- wanting to lose some weight before summer. When I get back in September I plan to be a bit more long term.
  11. And not eating much. And not eating the food you really like. And eating salads and stuff. And being a bit hungry all the time. Well, I'm sure there are more miserable things of course, but when I'm trying to lose weight like I am now, I realise just how much I love eating and eating lots. But I will GAMBARU for one more month.
  12. Why don't you ask the people in charge?!? It's what I think I might do in a situation such as this.
  13. Oh dear. Here's to more snow. Snow resort management must be so stressful especially beginning and end of season.
  14. Going well right now actually, thought I would just update. Doing about 50km a week, usually over 5 days. Getting out on the bike as well.
  15. You have certainly brought it to the attention of a lot of people who might not have known (like myself).
  16. I'm starting to think of next season and I'd like to visit Niseko. Before I put too much thought into it, can I ask people in the know about the different areas - ie. Hirafu, Annupuri, Higashiyama/Village.... if you had to sum up each one as an area to stay in (quiet, lively, etc), how would you? Thanks.
  17. Will do snowhuntress. Only rain is the excuse not to get out there now!
  18. I'm into my lets jogging phase now. Doing about 7km, 5 times a week which is pretty good for me. With my eating under control I'm hoping to lose 7-8kg in the next 10 weeks. Gambarimasu. (Posting this to help myself as much as anything, no excuses if it's written down.
  19. Spam with cheese. That is just unimaginably bad.
  20. My dad is as bald as a ... well, a very bald man. I still have a full head of hair so I'm going for this skipping a generation thing.
  21. The Day of the Triffids. They are "remaking" it as well. Looking forward to that (maybe).
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