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Everything posted by griller

  1. Someone pointed out to me that I'm almost always wearing jeans. Whether they be newer dark colored ones or worn out old looking ones. Do you wear jeans a lot? I must have about 6 pair at the moment it's my 'uniform'.
  2. The credit sequence to The Simpsons, as played out by non-yellow non-cartoon people. Not sure what it's for, a friend sent it on http://www.waytoblue.com/media/video/the_real_simpsons_850k.asx
  3. The windshields are ok when the weather is bad but get annoying when it is fine weather. Not been on that one though.
  4. Do you argue much? With a partner or at work or friend or whatever? I try to avoid them now I was much more argumentative when I was younger. I was just reading this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4771032.stm and found it interesting. That photo on the page if funny too - does anyone ever argue up close like that?!
  5. Those things need such a huge investment of time to get into. I prefer a quick arcade blast with my games if I play anything.
  6. Thats so that people who are walking around at 3am in the morning know that there is a ciggie machine there. No more hunting around in daylight hours trying to find one now! Benri!
  7. I would like to see a skin colored all-body outfit. That would be interesting.
  8. I'll fill it in later when I've thought some of the questions over. I had never actually heard of JNTO before. Out of interest, how come you are doing it with them this time?
  9. Yes nicole it seems grilleress is expecting. And you are right NPM. Thanks!
  10. Has anyone had any kids born in Japan? I'd be interested to know about your experiences. Are many Japanese guys present when the little ones arrive?
  11. Does anyone know why hayashi rice is called hayashi rice?
  12. I go to a few functions as part of work, and I often think the "networking" parties where the drinks come out are way too short - usually just 1.5 or 2 hours. And 20-30 minutes of that is taken up with speeches and kanpais. I always think they finish just as they are getting going and people are getting relaxed. I know there's the nijikais sometimes but for the kind of things I attent they often don't happen as people disperse all over the place. Of course, if it is a party you don't really want to be at, short is good but......... Anyone else feel that?
  13. Quote: I met echineko last week, she is much prettier than (Aiko) Uemura-san. Posted by akibun a while back
  14. Quote: I met echineko last week, she is much prettier than Uemura-san. Posted by akibun
  15. Beware! (Not that you'd be playing something as crappy as solitaire).. -- Feb 10, 9:54 AM EST Solitaire Game Gets NYC Worker Fired By SARA KUGLER Associated Press Writer NEW YORK (AP) -- Mayor Michael Bloomberg isn't playing games - after he saw a game of solitaire on a city employee's computer screen, he fired him. The Republican mayor stopped by the city's legislative office in Albany a few weeks ago when he was visiting the state Capitol to hear the governor's State of the State address. Office assistant Edward Greenwood IX was going over some papers at
  16. I'll watch a bit. Lets hope Japan don't do too well though, we don't want to go through the noisy madness that comes with all that.
  17. Very very easy. Zero worry there. It is the name of the express delivery service and very common - you will have no problems at all. Just remember the word takyubin ("tack-yoo-bin")
  18. 'Takyubin' delivery services (which are excellent in Japan) will take care of the Niseko > Tokyo, not sure if they do storage as well.... anyone?
  19. Hopefully you should have light powder all the time.... have a great time whatever.
  20. 2 places on here http://www.snowjapan.com/e/hotel/index-niigata.html
  21. Lots of useful info here and here . Good places to start!
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