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Everything posted by enderzero

  1. There is our old favorite DNA Spin: http://www.dnainternet.fi/pelit/pelihalli/ Ahh, took a few runs to get the hang again but I was soon pullin 15,000pt jumps. High score this round (5 goes) 63,240. Hi-score from before 82,900. Anyone?
  2. "...cos out there, fanny means your arse. and not...your minge" Keith is right, it most certainly does. I love the way they expanded his character in the second series. Anyone see this ?
  3. Here is another good free online virus scanner. http://housecall.trendmicro.com
  4. Linux was created by a man from Finland. Does that count?
  5. 13 when written and 14 when acted in. But it was the friend not the star that co-wrote it.
  6. 3D animation is modeled in (sorry) 3 Dimensions. The software uses an X, Y, and Z coordinate plane to draw the surfaces. Then when the scene is animated, the character (or whatever) moves across a 3D world. Think about it this way. If you have a 3D world you can move the camera anywhere around the scene to, say, look at the character's back. In 2D animation you only have an X and Y plane. Like drawing on a flat piece of paper. The camera can only move up and down and left and right. This make sense for the laymen?
  7. Discussion on the very subject: http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=002094#000001 (even though some looooosers were talkin smack) mmmm, fernos...
  8. from zdnet: The 203MB file expands to just under 660MB. The entire source code is believed to be about 40GB, meaning that the file circulating would be only a fraction of the full code base--if it is authentic. from eweek.com: BetaNews has learned that Thursday's leak of the Windows 2000 source code originated not from Microsoft, but from long-time Redmond partner Mainsoft. The leaked code includes 30,915 files and was apparently removed from a Linux computer used by Mainsoft for development purposes. Dated July 25, 2000, the source code represents Windows 2000 Service Pack 1.
  9. Many Code is measured in lines...and I think that is undisclosed. But I could be wrong.
  10. Duckin ropes and riding fantastic powder off course under the ambient glow of far off lights and a moon in the sky in Niseko has been by far my best nighter experience of all time.
  11. People need to understand that it is far more important to know when it is not safe to ride than to just have the proper back country equipment.
  12. BIG. Competitors?! Just who are they talking about? Do they really think Mac OS programmers or Linux heads are going to be able to get something from the NT source that they will really use? I seriously doubt this will affect the average end user.
  13. If I was flying form London to DC I would only worry about having my flight cancelled for some stupid reason. How many flights between London and DC don't get hi-jacked on a daily basis?
  14. Is this the Japanese version of Amped 2? If so, yeah it is good.
  15. IceEiji, are you still having the problem? Did you recently change any settings? If so it may be a MTU issue. What OS?
  16. Ask Snowboard Freak... I prefer straps. Big meaty ones like on Ride bindings.
  17. Different strokes buddy. It ain't my cup a earl grey either, but I ain't hatin.
  18. BTW Bowler, wasn't that guy in the ad "Matt D." with us in Hakuba last year?
  19. ha ha - you're going to that? The ad is too much. All the pictures of gaijin guys with quotes like: "You have to plant the seeds for love to grow!" - Jason C. "Looking forward to meeting you!" - Callum R. And my favorite: "Alright, Alright, Alright..." - Blake S. And then the pics of genki J girls saying: "I'm looking for a boyfriend!" - Yuka K "I love to have fun and meet people!" - secret "I love Valentine's Day" - Kumiko T. gag!! Have fun buddy. I'll be staying as far away as I can. (Strangely enough I'll be in Urawa )
  20. I think Niseko is due for some sad news sometime soon. People assume that they open the peak when it is safe to ride but that has nothing to do with it. They open the peak when the weather is nice. It could dump a meter overnight and then clear up in the morning and you'd see people hiking up at 8:30. Hello!? Those back bowls and even little traps like Jackson's are just primed for trouble.
  21. Yeah I heard Unfortunately it doesn't look like I am gonna be able to make it that far this season. Keep me up to date on the new lines you find tho.
  22. I do not own any back country survival gear but I am now equipped with a fair bit more knowledge. Now I know it is defintely worth investing in the gear. I am planning to outfit a BC pack this summer with beacon, probe, shovel, slope degree measuring device (crucial!) and more. I'm also planning to get some shoes to get to where I can justify having that stuff. Pocket book won't allow for it this year, but now I am aware of what kind of foolishness I have engaged in in the past. That said, if I had it to do over it would have been hard to keep me from dropping in. 'Tis the the paradox we
  23. Yeah I haven't even heard of Bully, but Kids is an all time favorite. I don't think Thirteen quite lives up to that one.
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