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Yuki's Passion

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Yuki's Passion

  1. A hundred plus days?! Thats something to shoot for... That might just have to be a season in Alaska or Canada, eh? Wow, the mountains there would just be epic.
  2. anybody riding those raicle flexon boots or whatever there called? Think last years color was black and the year before was yellow? Seem like a good soft boot. I got some Lange Banshees last season and theyre nice boots, but just too hard and heavy for all the hiking.
  3. My new job sucks - teaching a bunch of s%#$s at a girls school. My last private uni kids were awesome!! But, now none of em wanna go to uni, hence they dont study, some sit and talk on their keitais in class, take pics and videos, do anything other than what they should, and ask dirty questions. Itll be painfully difficult to make it through November but then I can quit and head for the promised land Work sucks in general but I need money to buy all my toys
  4. Fattwins, Yup, and most likely again this winter too. Niseko pow is just epic. It just keeps on dumping! Ive gotta find a job where I can just crawl outta some cave and be on the slopes or just become a real ski bum... but after last season Im hooked. heard this or read it somewhere but powder is the best drug in the world
  5. Like Danz said, live music rocks. I rarely listen to anything other than my live CDs/MDs of bands like Dave Matthews, Phish, Allman Bros, Panic, Flecktones. I think you can really tell how talented musicians are by listening to them live. Gotta learn how to type better...
  6. Zwelgen, Sounds like a good job to have - Id love to be doing more translation work and setting up projects. Niseko pass was 87,000 yen. It was damn expensive but quite worth it as I skied between 70-80 days What a great winter that was Hope you enjoy your time here and get Nagano or Hokkaido as both are awesome!
  7. Youll borrow a snake but not a cat? Just pick up some cat off the street who looks hungry and throw him in your kitchen for a few days. It will save you money.
  8. Nice video clips going. That park is worse than the Kogen park in Niseko - didnt think there was anything worse than that except for maybe the Hiroshima area. But, still nice to see some skiers hucking their shit! Earlier in the forum there was some talk about K2 being a bad ski. Why? Ive heard some of my mates talk that the k2 enemy I have is just too weak. Got any comments? What 188ish skies do you have? What do you like about it? Help for the upcomin season would be great.
  9. I dont know why people think K2 has a bad rep but for Pow Ive got some 181cm AK Launchers which I love. Tips are a bit soft but I actually like it cuz maybe Im still a s$$t skier, eh? For park and pipe some 174cm (I think) Enemys. Wish I had gotten the AK enemys just cuz I love ta ski fakie but the price of my Launchers was just too sick to pass up. Rode some Seth Pistols 188 and liked em. Great in pow and the gerrand. What are the probs with the skis? Do they turn to crap quickly, bad material, what? Any info would be good cuz I wanna get some 188 for this season. Need somet
  10. I dunno about yall but besides powpow days theres nothing better than a shag
  11. I read a great article in Bravoski about Myoko and Seki onsen. Shane Szocs and the Line team came over this past season. While they were here there wasnt any powpow, while Niseko did , but it still got me stoked to go there after seeing the pictures!!
  12. Zwelgen, Miyazaki Hayo is great!! Mononoke Hime, Raputa, Naoshika, Totoro, and Sen to Chihiro among others, are all great movies and can be very easy to understand if youre learning Japanese. Try something like Totoro!
  13. Fattwins, Thanks for that lead mate. 11 billion Oreos are eaten each year - Im sure back when I was in college I accounted for about half of that but for havent eaten those things in like 5 or 6 years. Fast food is awful - but Mos Burger is good cuz its not fast
  14. Snobee, That was a pretty good book - I too liked all the research that went into it like you said. A boy called H is good too. If its anything with japanese lit anything by the following authrors would probably be a good read: Murakami Haruki (one of my favs) or Ryo, Miyabe Miyuki, Yoshikawa, Abe, Mishima, Kawabata, Kazuo Ishiguro, Junichi Saga, bla, bla, bla. Has anybody read anything by James Michner (spelling?) like Hawaii or Poland. Wow, those were great books but havent gotten anything else by him here in Japan.
  15. mate!! Nice article! Remember ya telling me you wanted to get a bunch of the niseko locals for an interview before the season ended - great read! Just wish you had a pic of Junpei throwing a Fakie 540 off the kogen like he usually did. And, yes, junpei was busted for toking on some nugs. What a shame - its just a plant. Cant wait till my article is done!
  16. Powwwers, Water temp was perfect!!! I guess Japanese folks love to wear their 150,000 wetsuits eventhough you dont need it (at least at this time). Was out in my trunks and rash vest, thats all. Just wish the waves had more power to em! Ocean, Yeah, Id love to float down that in an innertube with a case of beer - kept imagining that all the way up highway 441 along the river. Shikoku is just beautiful and everytime Im there I always wanna stay longer
  17. Enderzero, You should try reading Yoshikawa Eiji instead of Clavell. Books like Heike, Taiko, Musashi, etc... are far superior, historically accurate, interesting, and just overall, better.
  18. Just got back from surfing in Shikoku (Ohki beach) down in Kochi. Cant really complain about the waves as this just isnt Hawaii but about 1-2 feet with occasional 3 foot swells. Pretty glassy with off shore winds. The beach itself was pretty nice, not too many people camping but youd have 40 Japanese surfers in one spot with other breaks just wide open to ride. Guess the group mentality still takes over - why would you wanna ride a wave by yourself when you could have 10 people right? Katsuura in Chiba is pretty good too. Been there a few times and always had decent surf. Like t
  19. I got a Suzuki 2 stroke. It will take almost any bike or car off the line up to about 80k or so. Only bad thing is tsuyu is coming... hate riding in rain!
  20. Golden Week?? Yeah, right. Thats why Im at work now. No friggin week for me Maybe it should be renamed to Golden day(s) or something.
  21. Ocean you trip me out, Shakuhachiko would be a blessing eh? If you have any daughters you could start a tradition! Good list going on. Id like to add: Yuki(ko), Sayuri, Karen (I dig the kanji which are kuwaeru and ai), Harumi and many others. Japanese names have a nice ring to them dont they?
  22. A Hokkaido dream, It lasted for just four months, Has melted away I need a fix, anybody know where a junkie can get a quick hook-up of some crack powder??? Need snow, smelting away...
  23. Im thinking the best way to piss em off is to make them listen to the Star Spangeled Banner before work, school, news programs, etc... and then say the pledge of allegiance too
  24. some classic banter goin on in this thread. Dont remember who it was but nice pic on page one! Powder leashes? Just crank you bindings up to like 14 or so, that should keep them on... Best trick? Like OUfreeski said, a Japan air is pretty easy and got good at it in the natural half pipe at 6C over the spring. switch 180s off of a bunny jump But still working on throwing 360s... But, watching Junpei going off in the park was epic!! By far the best person skier/boarder in the park at Niseko on any given day - bar none.
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