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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by scoobydoo

  1. Oh yes there is...but even if there ain't - -----------give me too cold any day.
  2. I am enjoying my work better today now they've decided to turn the damn airconditioner on On or off?
  3. Fireflys rock, there are really cool. I haven't seen any here yet though.
  4. I'm kinda shocked this morning to find out that a good friend of mine has had 3 abortions - and she is only 21. I'm amazed, seems so unlike her.
  5. Are we officially in rainy season yet?
  6. Ahem. OK, lets list them. Short list maybe; - staying in and reading a book; - staying in and drinking
  7. SOmewhere in between short and long, it might even be verging on a mullet (a fashionable one of course)
  8. I've not been here a year yet, but had only good experiences with my landlord. He's an 80 year old farmer, and keeps on giving me fresh vegetables!
  9. I seem to get 2 bad colds every year - even when I was living in Thailand hardly a cold place.
  10. Right now I can't see me wanting kids - may change though. There are so many people around me now not actually wanting kids.
  11. For the record, he's making more sense than you are kambei.....
  12. When you go back to your home country, how long do you usually manage to go for? 3 weeks is my absolute maximum, and really pushing it....
  13. This man has a good name for starters! Mr Gersh Kuntzman! ( http://www.msnbc.com/news/912691.asp?0cv=KB20 )
  14. It does look nice, and I often think the same Ocean. Why is that?
  15. Looking at my local shops, definitely not. I heard that they start stocking new gear in (late?) summer.
  16. This is my first full year here, but I see what you mean. Roadworks seem to be everywhere.
  17. My mums getting some flowers - it's become kind of a tradition especially now I am always out of the same country as her.
  18. Bad bad bad. I'm doing my best to study, but it doesn't seem to be having much of an effect.
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