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Everything posted by oblivion

  1. Soysh ..... sparkling soy drink. Actually quite an interesting taste.
  2. I was about to post this in the cho yummy thread, but realised just how not right that was. On the news they are on about banning raw liver. RAW LIVER. Anyone here eat that? R A W. L I V E R!!!!!!!
  3. Not referring to this Arnie guy as he seems to be a "scientist" or whatever but what motivates dudes like great679 to post shite like that on youtube? I just don't get that.
  4. Saw that, pretty shocking to see him like that. He even looks a bit like Konishiki!
  5. Is it Minami Sanriku, one of those towns that were almost destroyed? On the news just now they still have only 3% back on water supply. Going to be a long long road ahead for lots of people. Very sad.
  6. That's cheating. Or is it? What time did you set off and come back TB?
  7. This doesn't sound like the best thing to hear: æ±æ—¥æœ¬å¤§éœ‡ç½ã§èµ·ããŸåœ°æ®»å¤‰å‹•ã®å½±éŸ¿ã§ã€é¦–都åœã®åºƒã„範囲ã®åœ°ç›¤ã«åŠ›ãŒåŠ ã‚ã‚Šã€åœ°éœ‡ãŒèµ·ãã‚„ã™ã„状態ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã®è§£æžçµæžœã‚’ã€æ±äº¬å¤§åœ°éœ‡ç ”究所ã®ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—ãŒï¼’ï¼’æ—¥ã€ç™ºè¡¨ã—ãŸã€‚  解æžçµæžœã¯ã€å¤§éœ‡ç½å¾Œã«ç™ºç”Ÿã—ãŸåœ°éœ‡ã®åˆ†å¸ƒã¨ã‚‚ã»ã¼ä¸€è‡´ã—ã¦ã„る。åŒç ”究所ã§ã¯ã€å›½ã®åœ°éœ‡èª¿æŸ»å§”員会ãŒä»Šå¾Œï¼“ï¼å¹´é–“ã«ï¼—ï¼ï¼…ã®ç¢ºçŽ‡ã§èµ·ãã‚‹ã¨äºˆæ¸¬ã—ã¦ã„るマグニãƒãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ï¼—ç´šã®å—é–¢æ±ã®åœ°éœ‡ãŒèª˜ç™ºã•ã‚Œã‚‹å¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã—ã¦ã€æ³¨æ„を呼ã³ã‹ã‘ã¦ã„る。  åŒç ”究所ã®
  8. If you had a posted an even semi-useful poll, it might have worked. As it is, you missed the main reason off the poll completely, as other people have noted and similar discussions are going on in other threads.
  9. Originally Posted By: TJ OZ just trying to get a grasp of peoples feelings. Are you just naive, stupid or simply incredibly blinkered? Or a combination of them all?
  10. Quote: Mr Ring, who used to read pets' paws for a living, caused nationwide controversy this month when he predicted a massive quake would take place in Christchurch on March 20.
  11. The new Elbow album which is a slowburner but really good.
  12. bro-toe, I looked it up The result of a man wearing tight clothing to cover his crotch. The equivalent of a cameltoe on a woman. Yuck! That dude's pants are giving him a bro-toe!
  13. That is so clever. I'm hopeless at "fast drinking". Can't really see the point either!
  14. Quote: Gay people 'more likely to join Facebook and Twitter' Gay people are significantly more likely to be members of social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter, research indicates.
  15. Tell you what that durge of music Mao did the free too is just awful. It goes on and on and on and never seems to end. Annoying.
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