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Everything posted by DumbStick

  1. I noticed you can do that and some people do - wonder how many do? We're not going to be doing that, it's more 'which is better' for the heating up of water I was interested in.
  2. Interesting you should say that, as this was me before. Our bath was tiny and, well pretty horrid really. I almost never used it. That's why it's a revelation, because I absolutely love the bath thing now. It's sort of like being in a posh onsen every evening. I'm kind of sad I missed out on the experience until now. I recommend those making their own house to put good thought into the bath. It's fab!
  3. One of the revelations of our new house, not that we're totally used to it, for me anyway.... is the bath. We got a really nice one, with those aqua jets which are fun, but I'm totally digging the daily bath. The whole process, 'ordering' the bath, being told it's ready, getting in it (nice and big).... Today the lady put in a 'hinoki' バスのロマン and it felt great. I smell good too now post bath. I do have a question though. Which is cheaper: - new water every day or - reheating yesterday's water. I would guess the latter, but thought even if just because of reusing the water, bu
  4. We roughed up flooring in 2 of our rooms, one in area of about 50x100cm by some seemingly very rough castors. Real mess actually and those floors will have to be replaced. Busted up a section of wall in the hallway. And a few other things. We are not being asked to pay for basic redecorating.
  5. It's certainly an annoying subject! Interesting that you had such a bit 'deposit' there too, BM.
  6. Well yes, and they are. They're not asking for 60man. There was damage, as I said, and that is what they are asking for. I was just shocked even though now I realize it is probably realistic.
  7. Did you miss this noracal? http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/23317-japans-most-famous-snow-icon-the-emergency-telephone-box-1314-yuzawa-niigata/
  8. We are going to get it all itemised. You know what, I actually don't think the 60 man is bogus actually. They are basically completely refitting the place. They'll need to replace pretty much everything. It was many years without a refresh.
  9. As I said Tubby, there is damage I will admit that. Flooring in a few places in a few rooms is a bit ripped up and damaged, and there's some other things. I was expecting to have to pay for something. I just suppose I wasn't expecting 15 man. And knowing it will cost them 60man doesn't particularly make it better! But what can I do? Can't think of anything. And got to admit I'm still pretty knackered and don't feel up for one! She knows the people, they are near neighbourhood, etc - "let it be"!
  10. There was 60000 yen paid up front for this. So our total bill on leaving seemingly is 15+6 = 21 man.
  11. I recall speaking about this before but can't find it. As many of you probably know, we have moved into our house which obviously involved leaving our rented place. There were some things that were beyond "wear and tear" after so many years that would perhaps have us being asked for money. But I was pretty surprised to hear them asking us for 15 man. Apparently the "whole cost" of doing the apartment up is 60m, and they are being extremely fair and kind to us - as we were such good lovely customers - by only asking for 15m. My thinking is that after being in there for so long, an
  12. This work has at last been done. And in the end, for some reason the construction company has done the whole lot so covers all the way along. Don't know why but I'm not going to argue as that is what I wanted. It looks nice. BUT. Builder guy has told me don't be surprised if town office come and take a look and ask for some to be removed to comply with the rules. And if that is the case, just keep the covers and put them back on at a later date when they have taken their photos and the project has been completed to their satisfaction. Nuts.
  13. It is that. The guy from takyubin just came to pick up the hikari gadget. I opened it up and rustled the papers to make sure it looked like it was used just as the guy told me to. So much waste, things and peoples time.
  14. Hey I got my Hikari tv machine the other day. Didn't open it as I am not going to use it. Phoned up the shop to ask them whats next in this ridiculous game of wasting time. He told me that he'd take care of it for me. In a week someone will come to pick up this machine. He told me to make sure I opened it to make it look like I had used it or tried to set it up once. What a mad process. I'll be able to get my 50000 yen back though for playing the game.
  15. Well a week has passed now and not much progress. After the mammoth move effort, I think we've had the energy sapped out of us. Still tons of boxes in the garages. I think it'll be a week or two before we're anything like settled.
  16. I bet the average person on the streets of US / US / Aus / etc would have a fairly hard time doing the same in 日本語
  17. Wonder what it's like to drive that. Wouldn't fit on our road.
  18. Nice! Looking forward to our first snowfall, though it may well be another month off!
  19. I just go with "password" for mine. Easy to remember!
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