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Everything posted by klingon

  1. Evan Nielson from Truckee, California, faced an unusual sight when he discovered a black bear in his truck. The bear had somehow opened the door of the vehicle and climbed in. "At one point he had both hands on the steering wheel and was honking the horn with his snout," said Mr Nielson, who recorded the incident with a mobile phone camera. Police arrived and let the bear out, but the truck was left badly damaged by the encounter.
  2. Well, the 55 inch is going for just under 500,000 yen in Japan.
  3. We'll find out soon. Obviously I don't know what the Xbox has in store but I'll probably be more inclined to go with the PS. Silly when I don't know what the XBox has in store, perhaps.
  4. I have wondered that before myself actually though. I thought, not knowing anything, that it may be just the way the moulds (sp?) work or something.
  5. They look quite perky indeed, but not the place for them!
  6. Soon. The unknown problem with OLEDs is how long they will last. Brightness said to get worse fairly quickly.... 50% in less than 4 years quickly. Seems OLED needs more time and a bigger risk ------> at the moment.
  7. Saw it last night. Was ok. Like the Quantum of Solace chick (again).
  8. Friend got that one. If that's all that's being released...... hmmmm, games please!!
  9. Wow, would like to check this out, a 2GB data connection, as started by a Sony company today called NURO. ソニー子会社のソネットエンタテインメントは15日、最大毎秒2ギガ・ビットの通信速度で情報を受信できる家庭向け光ファイバー通信サービス「NURO(ニューロ)光」の提供を始めたと発表した。
  10. Last printer I had, had a real problem with some "3rd party" ink. The printer sometimes wouldn't recognise them and it was very on/off. This was ink bought in K's Denki, so not from some seedy back alley. Can't say I'm a fan of printers myself generally.
  11. Fine here too. Until now it seemed to be a bit on and off when I looked. Just tested lots of pages and they all appeared ok. Hope that fixes the issue for you, it can't be any fun chasing initial bugs especially when you want to sit back!
  12. Great design look going on. Much more integrated content too than before, looking forward to getting used to it.
  13. It would help. Oh, there's a Wario type game out this week I think.
  14. Last time I moved I was ok. I even got a bit of cash back from my initial payment which surprised me. I suppose it depends on the condition you give it back in. I can see it being a situation open to 'abuse' though.
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