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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by nagoid

  1. Yeah cheers they look great. Simple but very eyecatching. Keyword/word cloud thing works too. I found that last one you did a few years back to just have too many words!
  2. I just got an email with the subject line: Humongous bouncing boobies I can send it on if anyone is interested
  3. It was better than the Tim Burton attempt. Nothing will ever get close to the original.
  4. I think that was just at the beginning BM. You can go in and pick them up in a fair few shops now I think.
  5. Like those new header graphics, though I can't remember what the old ones looked like.
  6. EVERY time in the post office is a pain in the arse! It is in my local one. It seems that every single time I do it, perhaps twice a year, there are different people and they have to learn as they do it. Pull out hair time.
  7. Hey, anyone ever been to the X-Jam Takaifuji resort? It's on the other side of the same hill Kijimadaira is, close to Ryuoo and used to be called Kita Shinshu Takaifuji. Just wondering if any intrepids on here had been and thoughts. Cheers
  8. Good to have mobile theme. The old ones didn't do well on a keitai.
  9. What can I add? Congratulations. May you have great success as I am sure you will. You deserve it.
  10. I think there is some real anger brewing actually. And it will be interesting to see how it manifests itself. Japans nerves are going to be tested.
  11. Saw the trailer for Tin Tin. Can't quite see the appeal.
  12. Why do some gaijin want to become Japanese? As in officially change nationality to Japanese? I can't quite work out what advantages they would get from doing that.
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