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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by oo

  1. Hey, what are you guys talking about? "style jib"??
  2. ???? Sh@g? oops, maybe Ride? Why do they all sound so rude. Hey was just in the CHATroom - awesome stuff.
  3. That's an awesome piece of software you have there. Sweet. Looking forward to using it more and those events you talk of! Cheers mates.
  4. Best boarding : Hokkaido Best nightlife : Tokyo Oh well, can't have everything!! oo
  5. Yeah know what you mean, but if you DO have equipment for both, then the cost doesn't come into it.
  6. No, looking at the webcams today! I hear that the week from next Monday is the least busy of the peak months..... oo
  7. heres the link to that page - http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/resort-rankings.php
  8. Look for the big names on this site, probably a good place to start. Check out the places that get a good review rating on the ranking page, they are the places that we all like. If you hit a mountain area in most parts of northern Japan, you are sure to be near some slopes. The choice is just sooooo huge. Good luck
  9. looks like we are going to have to wait until the season starts to get the bunny stories
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