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Everything posted by brit-gob

  1. Second that. Get drunk over New Year and have a lazy time, then get out when everyone else is getting back to work. If you are able do that (because of work, etc)
  2. 4 of us finally got to SSAWS. It was good, great to get out of the heat, and not too busy. Sad that the place will be closing down so soon. Anyone heard what they're doing with it at all?
  3. You might say there isn't much response, akibun dear, but if you post some specifics you'll have a coach load clamouring to meet you > (I wouldn't be there of course,.. )
  4. I got busted over the weekend for doing 60 on a 40 road, they weren't having any of it - had to go down the local police station and pay 15000 yen. Seems to be more and more unmarked patrols out there these days. Be careful...
  5. Hey. I've spend many days on Civilisation III on the PC - excellent stuff, but needs a lot of time investing in it - and kinda interested in what to get next for a challenge. Any good suggestions for a good strategy PC game to follow up Civ III that won't be disappointing? I heard that Shogun game was really good. Cheers
  6. Biwako is ok if you live down there for a quick ride. The worst thing is the season - timing and snow, which is pretty short if I remember well.
  7. Sorry for being late on this....any late calls? It's coming up soon folks >>>
  8. Them things suck. Kinnnikuman looks pretty cool tho. Into anime, Mr Ocean?
  9. I tried to read that IM, thanks for the post, sounds interesting stuff. Sounds a bit far tho.
  10. Kagura might be good by then, in Yuzawa. Will cost you to get to Yuzawa, on the Shink (12000 return) - the quickest way - then the lift ticket. I think the bus to the resort is free, takes about 10 minutes. Good luck
  11. Mine is still on quite a bit too, but not as much as a few weeks ago. The worst is definitely over though, good news.
  12. Lexington - heard about it but never been. Heard it was well naff....no?
  13. I was just reading the post someone made on weights of boards and skis. I have a main board and 2 that I have used before but are better in differing conditions. I always seem to go back to the old darling though in the end. Anyone here with multiple (snow)riding partners?
  14. danz, I tried calling the US once on my Docomo - i think they call it world-call or something. Sign up is free but the calls cost a fortune.
  15. Good, seems there might be 6 or 7 of us now. I'll post more maybe next week,
  16. Well it's good to know we have someone laying out the rules on what people can and can't post, el diablo. Your mail is far more of a waste of time than rajeems. But who am I to say anyway - just don't respond mate! Wasn't it you I seem to remember talking about bears all the time?
  17. Oh the joys of living in the countryside hey guycalled0
  18. Well I will have to look forward to that then..., thanks
  19. Which was best mort? Ocean - and where do we sign up? Am I missing something?
  20. It looks like they're going to be doing something on one of these summer board things, freeboard or something. Looking forward to that. I don't suppose anyone has bought any of these alternatives yet?
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