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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by barok

  1. Okay this rocks, I have a Japanese friend up here now, and then my co-worker is Japanese, and my boss is Canadian, and my other Co-worker just left, so now I have 33% more Japanese friends than gaijin friends. Killer.
  2. celeste - "this beer/drink is celeste!" epic - "the lines today were epic!" top-notch - "they serve a curry that is top-notch!" wah - "That girl was just wah!" also helps to put an edverb in there somewhere e.g. crazy wah, top-freakin`-notch, mad epic, etc. other goodies, pimp, pimpin`, pimp-tight, the shizzy (I never use this) tasty (said tongue-in-cheek), bangin`, set, rockin`, kak (short for kakoii), on-point, or just - on. I find that it helps alot if you rhyme the word with something that only makes half-sense, or paints an obscure reference - for example "on
  3. Made it to 65 - going to go to one of them Indoor Places in Tokyo/Yokohoma area to make it 66 or 67. Where is Gassan ? Anyone know, and when does it close ?
  4. Insider was great, a little slow, but most true stories are. Speaking of true stories, I really dug Catch Me If You Can. Going to see a movie tomorrow - my first cinematic experience here in Japan - what is playing now ? ? ?
  5. I think Gifu, might have been a choke on yer part - Takasu is great - one of my favorite resorts, but If you are in the South of Gifu, it will take you upwards of 4 hours to get there. In Nagano, everything is just so much more accessible. But of course, you run into the same problems if you are in the South of Nagano. In any case, the backcountry is excellent, the hard part is finding people to hike with - most people are only up for a short hike, if at all. Reason being, there is plenty of powder for anyone who wants to duck a rope or two. You also won`t be able to find that
  6. You will be able to buy a car, and a season pass, and misc gear, live a relatively comfortable lifestyle complete with weekend partying, pay for gas, go skiing 8-10 times a week, travel here and there, and still save between 800 and 1000 CAD a month. To top it off, your job will be too easy to believe. I know a few Nagano Jets. They have it rough.
  7. That`s why I put that Mmmmmm. in there holmes - gawd I wish I woulda put the I`m married/Serious option in there - Hate a dirty poll (no pun intended).
  8. Yeah I don`t remember if they do a 157 and a 159 or if they just do a 158 - I am perty sure it is the former. In any case, it will work great in the powder, and on groomed shyite, reeally fast. Keep the edges nice and sharp (I didn`t because I like rails) and you will be able to cut through any conditions like buttah. The control is great. And it won`t buckle at any speed. The best thing about this board is the dampening effect. You won`t get all shaken up by imperfections in the terrain. You can also drop cliffs like it`s goin` outta style - I have dropped some crazy shyt with t
  9. So I knew that I would make a mistake somewhere in this poll - and here it is: Qwestion 3 - If You Are Not Married or Serious about someone How Often Do You Get Lucky ? Won`t let you not answer, so for all you Married/Serious types please vote for the final option, as it is the only non-serious answer. Hope that makes sense, sorry everyone.
  10. Okay, so I couldn`t get any real deal answers on my Frequency of Sex Topic, so here is The barok Sex Megapoll. Its a doozy at 4 questions, I hope I can make it make sense.
  11. Yeah, I much preferred the civil argument, lets see if we can put in perspective. Nothing that anyone says here is going to change the world. Most of these arguments have been spoken a thousand times before. If people think about important issues like this calmly, then it is easier to gain understanding. I like talking about issues like this on this forum, as in the Japanese countryside, it is my only outlet for intelligent dialog. I think that the less personal a discussion like this gets, the better, but of course I know that is difficult, when dealing with such a pers
  12. I also move them - sometimes you have to kill them though - say you have ants - they have gotten into your cereal or rice or flour or whatever, even if you get rid of your flour, and your rice, and everything else that you have opened and lyin` around, you still gotta kill `em, cuz they will find something to get into. and that`s a shame, cuz I really like ants, hard-workin` little critters. Gotta kill roaches too, same sort of infestation problem, but I hate roaches anyway. Spiders - I let them hang out - they are good to have around, but I draw the line when they start laying e
  13. Dude, you do not need the T5. Your decision is equivalent to choosing a cadillac. If you want the biggest boat you can find - like a 1960 Cadillac Sedan - wide as all hell with the tailfins and the lights that stick out too far, then get the 165, but really I think it is too much board. http://www.libertysoftware.be/cml/gallery/daily/60sed1.jpg I am not sure why you would want the 165 at all, do you want to float ? I think a board that size would sink you - you would just get hung up in the pow, and not be able to turn effectively I am 65 kg (was 75 before coming to Japan), an
  14. Had me one of them Tofu Sandwiches - shoulda put ketchup on it, the damn thing was so bland. I ordered it without the sketchy white dressing - maybe it`s just me, but sketchy white mayo-like dressings are not that appealing. And yeah, allz the seto did was leave me with that McTaste in my mouth for several hours. I think that they fry everything at McD`s in the same giant vat - it all tastes the freakin` same. Not going back.
  15. Ahh c`mon Ocean, you know you wanna field this one, besides, I can`t answer first, or it will look like I'm bragging
  16. I agree that feeling relief from abortion is not an argument for the rightness of it. Just an observation. I wasn`t trying to argue the women`s perspective, if you were suggesting that I was, merely making a guess based on a few stories that I have heard from Japanese women who have told me about what happened to them So here`s a story to match yours: A Junior High school girl is raped by a Japanese college student. She has never had sex before, and lacks the basic knowlege of what to do after the rape. She doesn`t tell her parents or the police, and tries to deal with the pain
  17. Since we are being all open and personal on the forum these days (Abortions, Best Feeling Ever, I hate your country, Coke vs. Pepsi), I thought I`d go with a couple of personal questions of my own, that I ponder during the majority of my free time. How often do you have sex ? When you are with a new partner, do you have sex often, and after a while does it taper off, and to what extent ? For those of you not hooked or hitched, how often do you get lucky ? Hell with it, how many partners have you had ? For those married people out there - Do you still get lucky, and h
  18. So has the riddle of the Cheeseman been solved then ? Is the Cheeseman from Yemen really the enderzero from Seattle ? What other dirty little secrets got told in that Arai hotel room, you naughty boys
  19. Got a black belt in TaeKwonDo, but haven`t done it for a while, it was fun, but there are more fun sports out there.
  20. Rum and Coke - a great drink Rum and Pepsi - pshhh
  21. Gotta say though miteyak, blasting American foreign policy is all well and good, whatever, i agree that it is no good, but then to laud Britain in the same post - are you kidding ? Can you really blast American foreign policy and then praise England in the same breath ? If I thought there was a point to it, or if I had some strange grudge or whatever, I would be up for a little England-bashing, but even then the target is just too big for it to be fun.
  22. pro-choice I used to think that all abortion was morally wrong and evil, but now I know better. regarding murder. . . I don`t think abortion is murder, as life doesn`t begin at conception. It is not until a certain age that a foetus could even begin to survive on the most basic level (breathe and eat by itself, regulate body temperature, etc.), and something has to be alive before you can kill it. and sure the line is fuzzy between what is life and what is the potential for life. If you believed what fundamentalist christians believe, you would be committing murder every time
  23. Morgan Freeman is Hollywoods most underrated actor, bar none. He has delivered some of the best performances on a movie screen, but has yet to win an Oscar, and doesn`t receive nearly the press coverage that he deserves. Granted Oscars and press coverage aren`t everything, but for the volume of amazing work this guy does, he is largely unnoticed. http://www.imdb.com/Name?Freeman,+Morgan
  24. In the States, I used to argue with people all the time, everyday. Used to speak my mind every chance I get. Here for whatever reason, I find it`s easier to just try to get along with people. I think it is probably because my situation is more precarious.
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