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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by frannyo

  1. Bloke at work going full on with his massive Hawaiian shirt. He looks a right plonker.
  2. Haha. I had to read that twice actually.
  3. Coldish showers for me these days. The thought of a hot bath does not appeal.
  4. Hey, any good seasonal ones out at the moment.
  5. I haven't had one of them for ages. Do they still get smaller every year, as the legend has it?
  6. I'm interested what people buy re: beer. Crates, boxes, 6's, bottles or cans? I bought I crate of Kirin Classic the other week. Gouka!
  7. Blind Date with B Willis and K Basinger. Absolute classic!
  8. Natsukashii! Haven't been to one of them for ages. I remember hating them and their mad prices and yucky 'wtf is that' food they put in little dishes when you go.
  9. Here's another: The meaning of life. What is it?
  10. This pesky missing flight has put Ukraine into number 2 news position. Putin won't be happy about this lack of attention. (Is it still a crisis?)
  11. Always interesting ippy. Do keep up with the adventures!
  12. It was... pathetic, really. 1 hour exactly. 30 minutes a bloke, possibly the most boring man in the world, stood at the front talking to us about all sorts of stuff that was printed in about 10 pamphlets we had in front of us. I wonder if he himself thinks the whole charade is ridiculous? There was no 'you're here because you're naughty', just piling into a lesson that had nothing to do with us. Just, pathetic and as Chriselle said, at times borderline insulting. Next 10 minutes we all did a self-analysis test. Yes/No. Incredible, I found myself to be an absolutely perfect, consi
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